Saturday, February 28, 2009

Random Picture Challenge 7.0

Go check out 4 little men and girly twins for Random Picture Challenge 7.0.
This weeks challenge is September 2007 {or 11th folder} 11th picture.

This is from Grant's second birthday party. His actual birthday is in August {and his party was supposed to be too!}, but we had to cancel his party because Henry was sick and in the hospital!! I remember having to call everyone from the hospital and tell them the party was cancelled {and we weren't sure when we would be able to reschedule it}. Jason had to go pick up the cake and put it in the freezer so it would still be edible when we finally got have his party!! Everything turned out pretty good at the party, though I do have about 10 dinosaur party favors from his birthday party still in the closet because some people couldn't make it!

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things...

My favorite new Christian music artist

Her music is AMAZING!!

Two of my most favorite songs right now are her songs:

"Free To Be Me" and "I'm Letting Go"

Go check out her website and listen to her amazing music!!

My favorite new movie

This was one of the most charming movies I have seen in a long time.
This movie was well written and the acting was wonderful. It has an amazing moral and is definetly worth watching!!

Go check out the Penelope website and watch the will love it!!

My favorite t.v. show

This show is almost undescribable.
Really. I don't think I can describe it!
I do know that it is an awesome show that keeps me in a constant state of confusion {which I love}.

Check out the wikipedia link and see what LOST is all about { since I obviously can't describe it for you}!

My favorite Bible verse

1 Samuel 1:27

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him."


What are some of your favorite things?
Leave me a comment and tell me about them!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who am I?: Answer!

Thanks to everyone for playing along with my Wordless Wednesday "Who am I?" post yesterday!

I was SUPER impressed that a lot of people guessed all three boys correctly!

Just in case you want to know for sure which baby is which the answer is...


All three of my boys were about 5 months old in the pictures. I think they look very similar....Grant and Eli look the most alike to me though!

Thanks again for playing along....I may have to do this again as Eli gets older.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Heart Faces Week 7 Black and White

This is my first time to enter a photo in the I heart faces contest.

This weeks contest is Black and White.

There are a TON of SUPER cute faces in their contest, so go check out all the entries this week on their blog.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not me! Monday.

This blog carnival was created by MckMama over at My Charming Kids. Go check it out and join in!! It is SUPER fun!

I did NOT seriously reconsider our decision to sign Henry up for t-ball this year after his coach called and said their first practice would be next Saturday. I did NOT think that all the games and practices would be during the week, leaving Saturday for family stuff and being lazy.

I did NOT sweetly ask {force} my husband to go to the store and buy us some ice cream at 8:00 pm one night last week. We do NOT love the new Buttercrunch Blue Bell ice cream, and we have not eaten probably 10 half gallons since Novemeber!

I have NOT been carrying around a birthday present for my friend Tracy's little boy for more than a week and a half. I did NOT forget to give it to her everytime I saw her at church.

I did NOT get a lovely sunburn on Saturday while watching a {VERY family friendly} Mardi Gras parade. It was NOT very odd shaped, because I did not have on a scoop neck shirt with a pretty big necklace. My children also did NOT get a little sunburn because I always make sure to put sunblock on them before we go out in the sun!!

I was NOT a little glad that we didn't have Awana's at church last night. I do NOT need a break from working {and living} with a ton of preschoolers all the time. I did NOT go walking instead and then veg out on the couch for the rest of the night.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homemade Baby Food: UPDATE

Since my first attempt at making homemade baby food a few weeks ago, I have made a few more batches. I think I am getting a little better, and Eli is definitely liking what I am making for him.

I bought a new food processor {my old one was a $5 special and WAY too small} so that I could make bigger batches of baby food and freeze it. My new food processor {that only cost $25} works a lot better, and it gets the food much smoother than the old, smaller one.

I have tackled bananas and sweet potatoes, both of which were so much easier to make than the apples. Bananas you just peel and throw into the machine. Sweet potatoes are baked for about an hour, cooled down a little, cut in half, and then get scooped into the food processor. I did learn the hard way that you should wrap a sweet potato very well, or it will ooze and drip all over the bottom of your stove{YUCK}!

Eli LOVES his yummy bananas, and he did pretty well eating the sweet potatoes too!

Do you notice anything strange about these picture??

Eli has been eating his homemade baby food while sitting in an umbrella stroller!!

I tried the bumbo chair, but he leans over way too far {trying to play with his toes}.

I tried his bouncy seat, but he leans back way too much {because he is SO heavy}.

So, where is the high chair?

It's sitting in the utility room.

All gross and mildewed because it had been in the attic since Grant got big enough to sit in a booster seat at the table.

Really only the straps were mildewed, so I think I am going to call the manufacturer and see about just buying replacement straps. I hate to go out and spend money on a new high chair when we have a {not so} perfectly good one at home!

But in the meantime, Eli will be enjoying his meals from the comfort of his lovely umbrella stroller.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My boys and their toys!

When I first found out that my oldest child was a boy, I remember thinking "Yuck!! Boys' toys are NO fun!!". I remembered all the toys that I had as a child {Barbie, My Little Pony, Rainbow Bright} and had hoped for the day that I would be able to play with those really girly toys again.

After three boys, I am stuck playing with dump trucks, super heroes, dinosaurs and trains. With almost five years of playing with boys' toys under my belt, I have found that some aren't nearly as bad as other. I have actually grown to like dinosaurs, and for Christmas this year I found some really cute {age appropriate} super heroes for the boys to play with. After reading Aileigh's post about her son and his trains, I started thinking about how much my boys really LOVE their Geotrax trains.

I think Henry got his first set of Geotrax for his second birthday. We have slowly added to the collection, and Grant got a big addition {a few trains, a bunch of tracks, and a train table that 'Santa' made for him} for Christmas two years ago. Even though the trains are a relatively old toy, my boys still play with them almost everyday!! They love to build tracks and hook the trains together. Henry and Grant will spend hours in the playroom building and playing with their trains {with only a few whines, hits, and tattles added in just because they are brothers}. The boys have so much fun with their Geotrax, and Jason and I even like to set up the train track sometimes to see what all we can build!

I guess boys' toys aren't as bad as I though they would be!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{Not So} SUPER Cute Kid Questions!

Jason took off work today because we are finally getting our {oh so muddy} driveway paved. So while he stayed home with Eli {Henry was at Preschool}, Grant and I ran a few errands in town.

We hit the bank first and then headed over to Lowe's. I was looking for some roses to plant on our trellis {to replace the Carolina Jasmine that mysteriously died at some point last fall}. I decided on two pots of climbing roses and then headed to the check out, where Grant's {Not So} SUPER Cute Kid Question occurred.

The cashier was obviously {at least to me} a male....short hair, hat on, named Chris....but with a somewhat high pitched voice.

My ever inquisitive child asked:

"Is that a girl?"

Now, Grant said this as we were leaving the register, but he also said it loud enough that I know poor Chris heard him {along with two other customers waiting in line}. I was SUPER embarrassed, but I just kept on walking and didn't dare look back.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Join in on the Not Me ! Monday! fun.

I did NOT 'sample' some of the yummy candy that Henry brought home from his Valentine's party. I made sure not to buy a lot of Valentine's candy so that I wouldn't eat it.....I would NOT eat some of his candy just because there wasn't any other candy in the house.

I did NOT leave two laundry baskets full of Henry and Grant's clothes in the living room for the entire week. I did NOT leave them there after my wonderful husband washed and folded them for me and all I had to do was carry them upstairs and put them away. I would never be that big of a procrastinator.

I was NOT almost late for my friend's baby shower on Saturday because I was busy posting something on my blog. I would never be late just because I was playing around on the computer.

I did NOT go to Walmart on Sunday and stock up on 50% off Valentine goodies for next year {and some candy for this year!}. I don't have a ton of Valentine's stuff in the attic from doing the same thing the last three years either!

I did NOT ask a friend from church to follow my blog so that she would be #14 of my followers. I did NOT care that I had 13 followers, and the number didn't weird me out a little. I do not feel better now that it says 14! (update: 15!!)

I DO have two little boys at home with ear infections {in three ears} and both of them are on antibiotics! I hope they get better soon!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Picture Challenge 6.0

Four Little Men and Girly Twins' Random Picture Challenge.
This weeks challenge (version 6.0) is to post the 3rd picture from your January 2007 (or 13th) picture folder.
Join in! It's SUPER fun!

These are the gingerbread houses that Jason and I made with the boys before Christmas. The picture is in my January file, because I took this picture right before I threw the gingerbread houses in the garbage!! I think most people like to eat their gingerbread houses, but ours were made our of graham crackers {which were probably extremely stale} and had been used for decorations for a week or two. Not my idea of a yummy snack!! You can tell they had been sitting out for a while....took at the melting peppermint on the house on the left!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cute Little Box

Henry's teacher sent home a note about two weeks ago, asking us to send in a decorated box for their Valentine's Day party. Because we were packing for Disney and then out of town all last week, we were a few days late getting started on his box. We worked on it Tuesday afternoon and then took it to school on Wednesday {I think everyone else brought theirs in on Monday}. Actually, Jason wrapped the box for me Monday night {he is much better at that kind of thing...straight edges and nice creased lines...than I am}. Henry and I decorated his box the next day with lots of red and white stickers {and few things that had to be hot glued on}.

His box turned out pretty cute, considering we just used some old craft stuff I had around the house. I think I may save this box and let him use it again next year, because you know they will be doing the whole Valentine mailbox thing in Kindergarten too!!

Henry had his very first Valentine's Day party at preschool today.
And I forgot my camera.
But I did get this picture of the inside of his Valentine's box and all the goodies he brought home.
He got all kinds of cute stuff....pencils, candy, bubbles, and cards! I think I am going to keep one or two or the cards....since these are the first Valentine's he has gotten from someone other than me or Jason!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homemade Baby Food

Eli has been ready to eat baby food for a while now.
But every time I feed him the store bought stuff {which has only been like 4 times} he seems to get a weird rashy place on his face.
So, I decided I should stop torturing my child with yucky baby food and make him some homemade stuff instead.
I looked for some 'recipes' for homemade baby food online, but all I found were a few sites that told you to peel, core, slice, boil, and puree the apples. I may not be a cooking genius, but I kinda already knew to do that part....I guess I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right!
I picked up a 5 pound bag of apples at the store yesterday and started working on my first attempt at applesauce around 5 yesterday afternoon.
Eli was hanging out in the stroller watching me prep the apples.

I put the applesauce in some glass container and then stuck all but one of them in the freezer for later. This morning I tried to feed Eli some of the applesauce, but he wasn't too impressed. He actually gagged a few times, so I think that the applesauce may be too thick. I guess I will have to either thin it out a little bit or try to process it a little more to make it smoother.
While we were waiting on the apples to cool a little, I made him some bananas {which he really liked!!}. The bananas were a lot easier to make because all you have to do is process them {no peeling, chopping, or cooking}. Eli may be eating a lot of bananas especially if he keeps gagging on my applesauce!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT spend all week at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida.

It was NOT super cold all week, and it definitely wasn’t record low temperature for Florida.

I did NOT eat way too much junk food and way too many sweets. I would never do that. I always eat healthy salads and fruit, always. No chocolate chip cookies, caramel apples, rice crispy Mickey’s, or ice cream for me. Never.

I did NOT bribe my kids to get them on rides at Disney World that they were scared to ride on. {They DID have fun once they got on the rides!!}

I did NOT wear shorts this week in 30-degree weather, hoping that it would ‘magically’ get warmer than the weatherman said it would.

I did NOT pay $20 to get the boys’ faces painted at the Magic Kingdom. I would never spend that much money on a little bit of face paint just because we had an hour to kill before our reservation for dinner.

I was NOT super ready to come home by the end of the week.

We're home....

and SICK!!

So instead of making my head hurt even worse {I have a major sinus infection/cold} by trying to remember what we did all week in Disney, I am going to give you all a quick day by day overview and then post some pictures!

Friday, January 30th:
Packed. Loaded the car. Drove 8 hours. Checked in at POP Century. Explored Downtown Disney. Rode the monorail. Ate at Chef Mickey. Met Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy.

Saturday, January 31st:
Got up early. Went to Disney's Hollywood Studios. Tortured Henry at the Muppet's 3D movie. Rode on Toy Story Mania 3 times{our favorite ride the whole trip!}. Ate at Pizza Planet. Met Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater. Bribed the boys {with a Light Saber} to ride Star Tours. Watched the parade.

Sunday, February 1st:
Ate a Supercalifragilistic breakfast with Mary Poppins. Went to the Magic Kingdom. Rode every ride in Fantasyland at least twice. Skipped lunch and ate popcorn instead. We all rode Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Watched a parade. Ate more candy and junkfood. Rode all the rides in Tomorrowland {except Space Mountain, the boys weren't tall enough}. Sort of watched the fireworks. Got back to the hotel around 11:00 pm.

Monday, February 2nd:
Went to Animal Kingdom. Saw some animals on a safari. It rained all day. Wore ponchos for most of the day. Ate Asian food {not my favorite!}. Saw a warthog having surgery. Took the wrong bus {and ferry}. Ate ice cream. Took a nap. Drove to Wilderness Lodge. Had a wonderful Dinner.

Tuesday, February 3rd:
Went to Epcot. Rode Soaring 3 times. Got stuck sideways on Test Track. Visited Mexico, Norway, China, and Germany. Ate GREAT Mexican food and a delicious churro. Rode on the Nemo ride. Froze in shorts while waiting on the firework show.

Wednesday, February 4th:
Went back to Hollywood Studios. Rode on Toy Story Mania again. Watched half of the Indian Jones Spectacular. Ate at Pizza Planet again. Grant and Jason rode Tower of Terror. Watched the parade again. Took a nap. Ate dinner at the Rainforest Cafe with Jason's work friend. Bought some SUPER good chocolate.

Thursday, February 5th:
Went back to Magic Kingdom. Froze. We were the very first people to ride Dumbo. Rode more rides in Fantasyland. Rode on the Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Aladdin. Bought socks for the boys to wear as gloves. Took a trip around MK on the train. Got soaked on Splash Mountain. Found a paintbrush on Tom Sawyer's Island {and got free ice cream!}. Watched most of the Spectromagic Parade.

Friday, February 6th:
Packed and loaded the car. Went back to Epcot. Rode the Nemo ride again. Visited Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, France, Italy, and USA. Ate lots of snacks {we had 12 credits left to use in one day}. Drove home. Got Eli. Went to bed exhausted.

We had a SUPER time at Walt Disney World. But we are glad to be if only I could get everything unpacked!

P.S. I will probably post more pictures when I start feeling better.

P.P.S. If you enjoyed reading about our adventures at Disney, head over to Andria's blog and check out all the fun she and her family had at Disney during Christmas.