Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Milk Bubbles


  1. Caleb tried to do that with his oj the other day - I think it must be something he saw in school because he's never tried it before. It was cute!

  2. my kids still love doing that ;) They used to get in trouble during dinner time though! haha! Eli is so good at that! ;)

  3. Fun times. I used to love to do that with my chocolate milk.

  4. Kids are so funny with milk bubbles! My sister taught my son to do this when he was super young so we've had lots of messes over the years when it comes to milk bubbles :)

  5. that is awesome! My daughter has just figured out how to do this, and she does it all the time!

  6. You are such a nice mom! I'd be screaming at my kids to "stop it right now!". LOL

  7. He did a great job with those milk bubbles! Zoe does this with her sippy cup and it comes out the little hole, makes a big mess!

  8. Every kids fav. thing to do with a straw and a drink. LOVE IT! ;) Hugs, Jen

  9. I caught charlie doing that the other day funny!

  10. How cute...and look at that little guy blow...they are almost ready to spill over. Can I borrow him when it's time to blow up some balloons. ;-0

  11. So fun! I bet my Evan would love to do that! He just has to learn how first! haha!

  12. BAaahhhh!! that is tooo cute! Hayden and Layla both love to do that with their cereal bowls that have attached straws. Eli's way looks much more fun though!

  13. Being an only child for a few hours everyday is so much fun!

  14. As a kid this was one of my favorite things to do too! Only my oldest has figured this out so far but I'm sure it will not be too long before the other ones figure it out.

  15. Milk does make the best bubbles - cute photos!!

  16. Oh I remember doing that it is so fun. My kids love to do that too...but they rarely get to because we don't have straws. A good excuse to buy some. Cute pictures.


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