Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Must Ask You a Question

 A few weeks ago, Jason found these fun stick-on mustaches for $3 in one of those cheesy gift shops at the beach. We broke them out last week and the boys had a ton of fun posing, smiling, and trying out different mustaches...Jason and I even had a little fun with them too:) They were a whole lot of fun for just three bucks!


  1. I can't stop giggling. Eli looks so funny (cute) with a mustache!!

  2. My kids would get a good kick out of those too! Too funny! :-D

  3. Ha! So cute. How is school going for the boys? Do you like their teachers? We start in about two weeks and I'm a nervous wreck.

  4. LOL!! They look like tiny little Italians. ;) You're a good sport, mama!

  5. These are great photos. Trey saw them and thinks you are having a Super Mario party.
    Hope you have a fabulous day!

  6. so fun!!

    I've seen them in the Dollar Tree and the kids always bug to get them :)

  7. Thanks for the laugh! Those pictures are adorable!

  8. Fuuunnnnn! I need to get us some 'staches! The kids would love them!


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