Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!This blog carnival was created by Mckmama at My Charming Kids!Go check out her blog and see what everyone else has NOT been doing this week!

I did NOT have to go to the doctor again this week because my wrists were hurting so badly. I did NOT have to get some old lady SUPER stylist carpel tunnel braces for both of my wrist. I do NOT have to sleep in them every night. They do NOT make my wrists feel 400 times better. I did not tell my friend Mandy that I may have invest in some sexy lingerie to offset how SUPER unsexy the braces are.

I did NOT have an awesome time out with my friends Friday night!! I so did NOT need a Girl's Night Out, and we did NOT stay up until after 1 am just chit-chatting {and maybe gossiping a little}!

I was NOT excited when Henry's t-ball practice was cancelled Saturday because it was raining. I love sitting at the ball field watching 4, 5, and 6 years olds 'learn' how to play t-ball. So I would never be excited that practice was cancelled.

I did NOT stay home from church yesterday, because my oldest child did NOT wake up running a 102 temperature. We did NOT stay in the house all day, and we are NOT going to have to stay in the house all day today too. I am NOT getting cabin fever just from two days of being inside.

I do NOT have a ton of stuff to do around the house to make up for feeling so lousy last week. I am NOT going to be doing laundry and cleaning for HOURS today.

Have a SUPER week, and don't forget to go check out Not Me! Monday.


  1. Great Not Me! Monday. I'm glad your wrist braces are helping-with your wrists and your sex appeal! LOL!

  2. I understand about the cabin fever and the piles of laundry! I really liked your post about Supermoms. We all do have to be a bit super to keep our homes running smoothly!

  3. Yuck! Piled up laundry and cleaning! Not my idea of a fun day! When you are done there, you can come do mine! :) Glad you had a great time at girls night! :)

  4. I did NOT do laundry all day either... I can so relate! :0) Hope you have a great week!

  5. I hear you on being stuck in the house! This has sure been a "sick" kind of month! I am sure your wrists look fab all "dressed" up! ;-)

  6. Hope your wrists are better soon. Also hope little one is well soon. So much is going around all over right now. I guess it's that time of year.

    Kelly @

  7. Oh, poor sick guy. I hope he's feeling better. I love to clean, but laundry is totally the one chore I despise. I actually don't mind the washing and drying...just the folding! lol. Good luck catching up. You should post a picture of the wrist bling...they sound hot! lol

  8. I never get excited over a cancelled practice either. Love sitting in the rain...for T-ball. LOL Cute picture.

  9. hope you son feels better!! i did not have an awesome time with some girly friends scrapping the other night. girly nights out are never fun!! ;0)

  10. you are so funny! hey, maybe you should monogram the braces lol:)
    Yep, we DID have soooo much fun Friday night! I think the reason we stayed up so late is because the last time we went out was back in Jan!!! 2 months not to get together is WAY too long! lol:)

  11. Glad the braces are working! Wrist pain is no fun. I think my husband nearly passed out watching them stick a needle in my wrist last week, haha.

    Hope all are healthy in your house soon!

    Have a great week!

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog...
    The cherries were not at all yummy or fattening either ....
    I too have worn those fashionable wrist accessories and love every minute of husband found them especially attractive! I also LOVE...I mean hate, when the tball practices/games are cancelled. As much as I love watching my children play, it's the other 30 kids that cause the problem!

  13. I hope that you got everything done that you needed to today. :)
    Your blog is ADORABLE!!!!

  14. I did not get cabin fever either when my kids were sick and couldn't go anywhere!


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