Friday, June 26, 2009

Photostory Friday: Golf with Dad

The boys LOVE to play golf outside with their daddy!
Grant and Henry both have their own junior golf sets. As soon as Eli starts walking {which may not be too far in the future} ,we will have to break out the Little Tykes golf clubs so he can play along too!

PhotoStory Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. great pics and cute kids!!!

  2. I love the last shot, with the puff of dust!

  3. How cute! And look at all that room they have to run around!! What a dream!!!

  4. So fun! They look like they're naturals! Are they playing on a real golf course?

  5. adorable!!!!!
    {I still need your address to mail you your prize for named iZzie}

  6. Stunt Man loves to play golf with Dad too and has his own Jr. Set. I love to watch them play together. So sweet. Your boys are so cute and look like they are gonna be great golfers one day!
    Thanks for stopping by the 5 Moms...I am so jealous that you still have an SUV.

  7. That is so fun! Alex has a little golf set and loves to go to the golf course with Dan...poor Emily wants to go too, but it sure would take lots of patience to play with her! ha ha! She just wants to be with Daddy too ;) Love the usual ;) ENjoy your weekend...hope it's not too hot! I think we will get a cool down next week!

  8. they're adorable!!

    i also love the corn on the cob picture below!! i love corn on the cob-one of my fav. foods in summer. drenched in butter of course. lol.

  9. Oh, that is so cute...Tiger Woods here they come.


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