Saturday, June 6, 2009

What were you doing...

...two years ago?

That is the question that Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessings has tagged me to answer.

Well, I was probably doing LAUNDRY!

Or giving my filthy child a bath spraying him off with the waterhose to get all the mud off of him!

Honestly I don't remember this particular day because Grant LOVES to get dirty and probably did this at least twice a week the whole summer! And he actually still ends up looking like this most days that he goes outside to play if there happens to be a mud puddle in the yard!

So what were you doing....

Now, it's my turn to tag FIVE of my blog readers asking them this same question - What were you doing 2 years ago to this very day? (or at least as close as you can get) Share some photos and your memories of that day 2 years ago. Add it to your blog so all of us can see your answer and then tag FIVE more people to keep the ball rolling.

Tracy @ Simply Smith
Alicia @ More Than Words
Carrie @ Martin Manor Happenings
Jennifer @ Momma D and Da Boyz
Jill @ Sneaky Momma


  1. LOL @ the mud!! Boys, boys, boys!!!

    This is a fun tag!! I'll get to this one tomorrow!!!!!

  2. Awww...what a precious little boy and so stinkin' cute! Did the outfit ever come clean?

  3. Oh, what fun!!!! Looks like he had a blast!
    Thanks for the tag! :)

  4. Oh cute! I'm sure it wasn't fun to clean up but it made for some good pictures anyway!

  5. OMGoodness...I've got some muddy pics like that, but I think it was more than two years ago! That's the best! thanks for the tag...I will post it soon! How fun!!!

  6. You are too funny....laundry. Me too. Cute pictures, I love it when my boy plays in the mud. Why are messy boys so much cuter than messy girls?

  7. Too you remember them being that little!!???

  8. Man he is messy...and that little cute look on his face! Adorable and definitely worth the mess!

  9. Adorable! Nothing like playing in the mud, huh? Austin hates to be dirty! Boys are supposed to love dirt, right!? :) We'll see if that changes when he gets older...


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