Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Slip N Slide


For more Wordless Wednesday check out 5 Minutes for Mom!


  1. Oh how fun!!!!!

    Now, THAT'S the kind of lawn to play S&S on!!!!!!

  2. LOL! Those are the best! I remember using that as a kid and bruising my hips because my sister and I would slide on it all day on the bumpy ground! They've really improved since then! ha ha! I even tried it a couple of years ago on Alex's and Emily's...and I went right over the end...because we had it going down hill to get the kids going! LOL! that was a sight for anyone who saw! So cute!!!

  3. We just bought a slip-n-slide a couple of weeks ago. They're so much fun! Great pictures!

  4. Oh my goodness! My boys would love this! Great idea with the tube! How fun!! :)

  5. So fun! I remember those days of the slip and slide. I need to get one for my kids.

  6. I LOVE me some slip & slide :)
    Cute pix!

  7. now those pics bring back great memories! Yipee!

  8. Slip and slides are a lot of fun. You must have a big yard. Have a wonderful day!

  9. What a great series! Looks like fun!

  10. Do slip n slides come with those float things now? I LOVE your backyard. Major coveting going on over here!

  11. wow! That looks like a blast! Next year, Eli's going to be in on that action too!

  12. Looks like great fun, still waiting for the warmer weather in this neck of the woods! First time visiting, following you now!

  13. may i ask how old eli is? i have an all boy household too, and my youngest is eli, born august of last year!

  14. wow- we have water restictions and i miss the slip n slide SO MUCH!! ( oh and its winter here too) great blog!thanks for visiting mine

  15. that looks like so much fun.

  16. OOH, fun!! I love the progression pics!! And that's a great idea to use the ring-I remember how banged up and bruised we always were after throwing ourselves down one of those all day!

  17. How fun! Great idea to use rafts or floaties too.

  18. Oh, the great days of summer!! To be a kid again... Love the "in-motion" shots.


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