Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crafty Way to Organize for School

I got this SUPER cute and SUPER organized idea from my blog friend Kelli...who actually got the idea from this blog!
I figured with Henry starting Kindergarten and Grant starting Preschool, we are going to have a ton of school papers coming home every day! So this is my attempt to get organized and have everything in one place. First, I gathered my materials. I bought some {color-coded...Henry=blue, Grant=green, Eli=orange} folders at Walmart for 15 cents each. And I printed out each of the boys initials on some notecards that I already had.
I cut out the letters in a SUPER cute star shape.
And used my circle cutter to makes circles out of some left over cardboard.
I used double sided foam tape to attach the letters to the cardboard circles, and then I used hot glue to attach the circle to the front of the folder.
I used some SUPER cute stickers to finish writing out each of the boys' names on the folders.
Now all three boys have a SUPER cute color-coded folder {even know just in case he has some baby work to do}!
I added some SUPER important school papers...lunch menu, newsletter, and teacher's notes!
And placed the SUPER cute and SUPER organized folders in my filing shelf in the kitchen.
I think {HOPE} this may be the beginning of a very organized school year for us!



  1. Kelli, this is great. I love that you were able to use things you already have. I am going this weekend to get the folders that I need to start on this myself. I'm glad that site was able to help you!

  2. This is a great idea....I may have to steal it. ;)

  3. Cute idea! Great way to keep organized for the school year! Have a blessed day!

  4. YOu are too super cute with all your creativity. I love it! Great job Kelli!

  5. That is so fun! I just love how they look on your shelf! If I tried to attempt that...I would still lose my papers! But, you're right...the kids bring home so many papers, it's ridiculous! I love this idea...I might have to try it!

  6. Cute! I have letter stickers just like that.

  7. Lovin' the ideas and your cute blog!

  8. Wow...that is so cute! What an inexpensive way to make those folders!

  9. They turned out really cute. I wish I was crafty like that, but I'm not. Oh well.

  10. What a great idea-those are adorable! I need to get more crafty before my kids get in school!

  11. Great idea! You know I'm all about some good organization and this is a fabulous idea. I love that you even made one for never know what paperwork he might need. ;)


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