Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have NOT slowly stopped caring what I look like at school drop off and pick up. I did NOT start out the year wearing nice pants, hair fixed, and makeup on....and slowly stop caring what I look like all together. I am NOT now going to drop off and pick up with my 'house cleaning' clothes on, bed head, and not a drop of makeup! I would NEVER go out in public looking like I just rolled out of bed!

I did NOT wait in line for about 30 minutes at a local kids resale just to get Eli a SUPER cute smocked outfit for only $10! I would never wait in line that long just to get a great deal on some kids clothes.

I did NOT ask Jason to get my fall decorations out of the attic the weekend and then proceed to open up the containers, pick about four things out, and then pack up the rest because I just wasn't in the mood to decorate {or constantly get fake leaves out of Eli's mouth for the next two months}!

I did NOT spend the part of the weekend with sick kiddos who took really LONG nice naps! I did NOT use that long nap time to work on craft projects instead of cleaning up my house or folding the clothes in the laundry basket {which have NOT been there for going on two weeks}!


  1. Lol...that all sounds like me! I stopped caring a long time ago about what I have on when I drop the kids least now that I'm going to Curves I feel it necessary to fix my hair and wear workout clothes!! And I have a basket that sits behind my couch that is never empty. It does usually rotate, but only once in a blue moon do I actually fold and put everything away! Sorry you had to deal with stomach sickness-I'll take coughs and colds and sore throats over stomach issues ANYDAY.

  2. girl I give you kudos for EVER getting dress, hair done and makeup on to drop off kiddies!!
    sorry your boys are pukie--hope they feel better soon :)
    happy Monday!

  3. Good for you Kelli! You can bet I'm not going to be crowned best-dressed mom at pick up this year, LOL! I love wearing sweat pants and a baseball hat whenever possible! And believe me...I do NOT have at least 10 loads of laundry waiting to be done...but I'm going to try and get my Halloween stuff out today too ;) Have a great day!

  4. Oh yes I am totally in the same boat in the pick up line. I see other moms dressed on and I just think where do they get that time. Of course they aren't picking up two kids and have two more in the car either. They've probably spent the day at Starbucks reading a book :)

  5. Isn't that what nap time is for?

  6. Sorry that you had sick Kiddos this weekend. I consigned at Kidz Kloset this year, and got to shop early and was able to get Easton some really cute smocked outfits too.

  7. Sometimes you just gotta let stuff go...I am sitting right next to my laundry that needs to be folded, but can wait.
    You got a good deal on a cute outfit. I love the way you dress your boys.

  8. We did not skip out on homeschool today to go shopping with Nana ;) I'm sorry, but craft time sounds so much more fun than laundry time!

  9. I'm sure your not the only mom who has stopped "dressing" for the drop off/pick up line. :)

    And I'm impressed hubby actually got the decorations out the first time you asked!


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