Thursday, October 15, 2009


Do you ever just feel like venting?

Something little happens...but still bothers you....and the more you think about it the more it makes you mad.
When that happens {I assume I'm not the only one who does this!} do you vent just to make yourself feel better?!?

I do.

If I ever get upset at something that Jason has done, I know I can call my friend Mandy and say how stupid he is being...and then I feel better.

If the kids are driving me crazy, I know I can talk to Jason about it and cry on his shoulder about how bad my day has been...and then I feel better.

I probably don't mean half of what I said...but it feels better to talk out my feelings and get all that junk out of my head.
Well, I have learned a valuable lesson in the past two days.
Be careful who you vent to!

Everybody must not understand the whole venting thing and how you say a bunch of stuff but probably should have only said half of it.

Sometimes the only way to talk yourself down from a ledge is to vent.
See, now I feel better.

This has officially been my vent about venting.
What do you you need to vent about something?


  1. I can do an entire blog about venting. It is just good to get it out from time to time.

  2. I am such a venter. And it drives me crazy when I vent and whomever I'm venting to totally doesn't get the concept of venting. I mean, who doesn't understand venting!?! (See? There I go again...)

  3. you are right...about all of it...the venting and being careful WHO you vent to!!

  4. Oh yeah, I regularly need to vent. I've run into the same problem as you, however, not always choosing the "right" person to vent to. You can always vent to me! :)

  5. It great to vent but, i know what you are talking about venting to the wrong person they either want to fix your promblem or go tell everybody what you said and turn it all around Just listen to us its that simple

  6. Everyone has to vent we all need to get it out once in a while :)

  7. Yes, I agree, it's good to vent, and to the right person. LOL

  8. If you only knew just how much I felt the same way...especially within this last week. Everyone deserves to have a friend who you know you can vent to without any feelings of guilt. Someone who will just listen and not be judgmental. Many times I am that person who others vent to, but occasionally I need to do it, too!! ;)

  9. girl I needed to vent last night. we should have talked. I was sooooo upset.

  10. Yes! Sometimes it feels so good to vent and I need that often around our house.

  11. Everyone needs to vent at some point. I know i do, I learned a long time ago who you can trust and who you can't. So if I need to vent i call My Mom or Isaac.

  12. Venting is great! You can't keep all those feelings bottled up! I love my girl friends and Dan for listening to me! I hope you can always find someone to's such a stress reliever :) Have a great weekend!

  13. I understand, my friend, and I have the exact same "chain"...except my Mandy is Megan! :o)

  14. Im always there for you when you need to vent!! And I always know that you will be there for me too!! Love ya

  15. Oh girl I hear ya! I vent all the time and then get my big ol' butt in trouble for venting to the wrong person. Sometimes I just need to keep my mouth shut!


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