Thursday, December 3, 2009

Help for the Holidays

I wanted to share a little bit about a great website that I found through MomSelect.

The "Real Holiday Helpings" website is a great resource for SUPER busy moms {like I know you all are} to use during the SUPER busy holiday season.

The website has a ton of SUPER recipe ideas for the holidays, as well as some awesome videos of Bobby Flay sharing his {holiday} magic in the kitchen!

The Caesar Salad Crostini that Bobby makes on one of his videos looks so YUMMY and SUPER elegant for a party! I am definitely going to be making them soon!

Plus, you can print out some great coupons and even enter to win a year's worth of groceries for FREE! What mom doesn't love free food?!?
I am planning to share a little more about this website and the SUPER yummy recipes one day next week. So come back and check it out...and I will be giving away a little surprise too {thanks to the people at Hellmann's Real Holiday Helpings who are supplying me with a $25 American Express gift card for one of my readers and one for me too}!


  1. Thanks for this tip Kelli. I'll have to check it out.

  2. Cool! Thanks for the tip. Being fairly new to the blogging world, I'm always on the lookout for new places to visit! And free stuff is always good, too. ;)


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