Friday, January 15, 2010

Walking and Winning

This: is what I have been seeing a lot of lately.

I started this year with more focus than ever to get healthy and lose some weight. So, the boys and I have been heading to the park at least twice a week. I can get a little exercise and they can play and get some of their wild and craziness energy out. It has been cold here, but not too terrible in the afternoons. Plus the cold just encourages me to talk a little faster! So far my diet and exercise plans are paying off...I have already lost 8 pounds! YAY! I just might make my goal before my dreaded 30th birthday in June!

Now for a winner!

Congrats to Leslie!

I used to pick a commenter from my Wordless Wednesday post! I guess it was easy for everyone to tell that the boys were having a blast playing with some packing peanuts! Leslie send me an email with your address so I can get a fun happy to you in the mail:)

P.S. Check out Mimi's blog for a new FREE 4 All Fridays that she is hosting!


  1. you are miss giveaway queen!!!!
    good for you for walking in this cold weather!! you geaux!

  2. 8 lbs....Way to go Kelli! I was telling Rondell last night how I need to really get on the ball. my hot chocolate yesterday and the kids and I have big plans for it tonight. Thanks so much!

  3. Awesome job, Kelli! I can't wait until Spring so we can get back outside and walk and ride bikes! Cute picture! Congrats to Leslie, so fun!

  4. Go Kelli! 8lbs is great. I don't know how you're walking in this crazy weather-I couldn't do it, but you know how cold natured I am!! :)
    Congrats to Leslie!

  5. I'm SO proud of your 8 lbs. I haven't been as successful with my dieting yet, but I am still going (and bumping it up a notch). You'll be more inspiration for me!

    And by the way, this is my VERY FIRST blog win!!!! Yipee!!!! I'm so excited!!!

    My email is


  6. That is awesome ... I need to be inspired to walk more.

  7. Just re-read the instructions and you said to email you my address. Dur! Got so excited I lost my comprehension abilities. :) haha!

  8. Cant wait to go to the park a few times a week!! Only a couple mor emonths of winter to go!

    Congrats on 8 lbs keep up the good work!

  9. Congrats on the 8 lbs! That is awesome!

  10. Congrats on the 8 lbs.
    Trey and I love to go for walks. We started when he was 6 weeks old and we have been doing it ever since. We take a walk around town which always leads us to the park. I hate that it is super cold here now and to stick with my walking schedule I hit the treadmill with the DVR at naptime. Oh, how I can't wait to head outside this spring.
    Have a great Friday!

  11. 8lbs! That is AWESOME!!! I've been sicking w/ my new exercise regime (Jillian Michaels) but I have a hard time keeping up with the dieting part!

  12. Good for you Kelli on the weight loss that is awesome. I wanted to let you know that in the title area about the free 4 all button you should put that you will be hosting it every 4th Friday so that they can make sure to stop by every 4th friday for something free. i am giving everyone a heads up on a post tomorrow. Also, I will tell where it is at every Friday too. Thanks for helping me out and for the cute button. Love it.

  13. Wow!!! 8 lbs. is amazing! Good job! I need to start walking too!

  14. YEAY!! You go girl!! I wish we lived closer so we could walk together!!

  15. 8 lbs. awesome!! i wish i could walk more around here. it's so hard to do it out in the country, and push a stroller. ((when there isn't snow of course)) i'm hoping winter is almost over and i can walk in town with my mom, just to stay 'fit' during this pregnancy!

    i'm bummed i missed the giveaway!! my kids love packing peanuts too...and that picture is priceless! (or wordless.) lol.

    have a great weekend!

  16. Congratulations on the weight loss. That is fantastic. I wish I could go walking right now but there is way to much snow. It was a nice day today though.

  17. Girl you won over at I heart won a funky camera strap. How lucky are you?

  18. Good for you! I can't wait until the weather gets nicer out here so I can start walking with the kids.


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