Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Heart Faces: Hands-On Fun

I haven't entered an i heart faces contest in a while. Mainly because I either haven't had a picture that fit the theme or I knew that my picture wasn't up to par with all the great pics that get submitted ever week.
This week was different though.
As soon as I saw the theme I knew I had a great picture to submit.

I took this picture last summer while the boys were outside playing, just being boys. This is Henry showing off some seeds that he found! I love you can see every crease and wrinkle in his hand and I love the blurred waterhose in the background too:)

Go check out i heart faces this week and see all the great Hands-On Fun pictures!


  1. Now that's a cool picture! I love their little hands-I wish Allie's would stay that way forever :)

    I haven't entered there in a while either-I might have to search for one today.

  2. great choice Kelli! I love taking pictures of my kids hands and feet...but I can't seem to find any for this week. Crazy huh?

  3. I agree with Mimi- great choice! I haven't had photos to fit the themes lately either.

  4. Wow that is a great photo. I also love the waterhose in the back. This is a real summer photo.

  5. I like it too!! Little hands are so cute!

  6. GREAT shot! I love those little creases too! I can't wait to get outside and play in the dirt again! Love it!

  7. Love the photo great detail!

  8. I love how his hands still had a touch of that babyness to them! Great photo.

  9. What a fun theme, and what a great capture of your boys hand..almost like he is holding out a treasure to you. So sweet.

  10. How sweet! The things little boys treasure...priceless.

  11. Oh, how precious! I remember and treasure those precious moments. My boys still show me things, but at 16 and 21 the things they show me are a bit different.....I do miss their babyhood and childhood!

    Oh and you are so right. When you take little ones to the movie, you wonder if you're ever actually going to SEE the movie!

    ~ Nan

  12. I like the I heart faces posts...I need to do that some time!

    What a sweet little hand.


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