Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT completely abandon my diet last week. I did NOT get so caught up in baking various cookies and other Valentine's treats that I ended up gaining back almost 3 of the 10 pounds that I lost in January. I have much better will power than that, and I would NEVER blow a month of hard work on a few cookies, cupcakes, and Rice Krispy treats!

I did NOT get just a little sad when the Stained Glass cookies that I worked so hard on didn't turn out the way I had been picturing in my head. I would NEVER get upset over something as silly as cookies...even if they were supposed to be really cute teacher's gifts!

I did NOT get over my sadness quickly, because my other cookies turned out SUPER cute!

I do NOT think that I need to quit baking and start crafting....I don't think I can gain any weight from working with scrapbook paper and my new Cricut:)

I am NOT so glad that at least a few of you {well actually 8} got my {probably not as funny as I thought it was} title of THIS blog post! I did NOT decided that because you all are such great blog followers, that I would use to pick one of the lucky 8 who actually understand my sense of humor! Myya was NOT the Myya...don't send me your address {but really do, so I can send you a little happy in the mail}!


  1. Those cookies look so good and the rice crispy treats sounds really good. I'm making (or buying) them for Jamison's V-Day party. Now I have to go back and check on the bacon funny.

  2. Too bad about the stained glass cookies (I would have been bummed, too), but the other ones turned out beautifully! Nice work. ;)

  3. love those pink cookies!!
    and I am so duh!! BACON...hehe

  4. the pink cookies are ADORABLE!!

    Great Not Me Monday's!!

  5. OK- I completely blanked that there was even something clever going on! Sorry and now I'm sad that I didn't win something. *crying buckets of tears*

  6. SO many questions for one short post. LOVE your pink cookies...did you make those up on your own?

    Second...CONGRATS on 10 lbs in a's taken me 3 months to lose 10 lbs...what are you doing right?

  7. OH, those pink ones came out so cute!!!! I love how the edges look!

  8. Your pink cookies did turn out so cute. I know what you mean about loving to cook and eat, oh how that does bad things to the woman's body.
    Hope you have a great Monday!

  9. Those pink cookies look awesome. I'm totally in the Valentine Decorating mood now!

  10. I bet you could gain weight if you ate the paper.


    The cookies are sweet! Sorry the others didn't turn out.

  11. Those cookies do look pretty awesome!! I think I need one =)

  12. Oh my goodness SERIOUSLY??? I won??? I NEVER win anything... HOW FUN IS THAT!!! I'll send ya an e-mail.
    Ok so I LOVE your cute little pink polk-a-dot heart cookies. I got lazy this morning & picked up a bag of heart cookies from the store to put into gift baggies. I was going to do heart shaped pink rice krispie treats but the cute little already done perfect heart cookies at the store were calling my name - I just couldn't ignore the name calling. :)

  13. Those cookies are so cute!! Love them.

  14. I think I died and went to cookie heaven.

    HOW STINKIN' cute??

    A cookie on top of a cookie with icing in the middle.

    Amazing idea!

  15. i wish i had half your ambition to bake cookiees! they're super duper cute...and i'm super duper NOT a baker!!

    and the cricut is SO addicting!! i love mine! do you have the regular one or the expression?

  16. Mmmmm...those pink cookies look GREAT...I can totally gain weight just by looking at them,ha ha! I love sweets, I could eat so much too!

    Hope you have lots of snow when you have a mini vaca soon! We are expected to get more tonight! Probably no school again tomorrow!

  17. yummy....I also did not eat too many cookies this week either!

  18. All those cookies look so good...even the broken ones. I'll scrapbook with you & your cricut

  19. Those cookies look delicious! Found you through Not Me Mondays

  20. The other ones did indeed come out super cute!!!

  21. Okay, I need to stop doing laundry and start baking ;) Look at how cute those pink ones are! Oh my goodness. I've been helping myself to a few too many sweets too. Sigh.

  22. Oh my goodness, those cookies look delicious! Fighting the urge to eat cookies....I think I am losing :(.


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