Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: LOST Snacks

Island Pizza "The LOST Numbers" Cookies


  1. My husband would love that. I am not that cool. I just watch it with him because I know this is the final season but I am annoyed after last night! Tell me the whole story already! Sorry I guess I don't know you well enough to rank haha. Visiting from 5M4M

  2. I feel lost. Hehe. Cause I don't watch Lost. So I don't get it.

  3. My husband was lamenting last night that we were having the worst LOST party ever...we didn't even have popcorn. You put me to SHAME.

  4. I don't watch Lost either so I say, "Huh?"

  5. Not a lost watcher either so I don't get it, but the snacks look yummy! ;)

  6. These Lost snacks have been approved by a fellow Lost junkie! :) So cute.. especially the "Lost number cookies!"

  7. My husband would like to marry you!!! I am a bummer when it comes to Lost... I used to watch it, but I just kind of fell out of it. It got too "out there" for me... either that or I got too busy with other shows that I had to pick one to give up. Hubby is still upset I don't share it with him... hence why he wants to marry you :)

  8. I don't watch it either but the food looks great! Love the cookies!

  9. How creative Kelli. We were only creative with our Tahitian Treat. Those cookies look delicious!

  10. Yum! Did you make both from scratch? What kind of frosting is on the cookies??

  11. That is AWESOME!!!!! I STILL haven't watched last night's episode and I'm going crazy waiting!

  12. I don't watch Lost.

    I did in the beginning, and then it got OVER my head.

    Anyway, cute cookies!!

  13. I don't watch it either, but I love the food! Can I come over just for the food?

  14. I don't watch lost either...but if you made me treats like that every night it was on I would totally be a fan. LOL YUM

  15. YUMMY!!!! I am in the mood for pizza and cookies now. Do you know where I might find some?

  16. I am out of the Lost loop too...I watched the first season and then I got distracted with something...


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