Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Lot On My Plate...

Crafts to work on A birthday party to plan
Kitchen {whole house} to clean
Cupcakes to make
Laundry to be washed, folded, and put away
Bible study to attend
Two t-ball games to watch
Goodie bags to make
and a birthday lunch with Henry at school
If I'm not around much for the next two days, it is because I have A LOT ON MY PLATE right now!


  1. Oh, I know how that feels...sounds like lots of fun things ahead...well, except the laundry, haha! But I know all of it at once can feel overwhelming! Take care and enjoy! Cute invitations! So fun!

  2. Oh man, don't I know how that is?? Why is spring so busy? I don't remember it always being this way. I'm overwhelmed. And my house hates me because it's almost been 2 weeks since I've touched it.

  3. it does look like a lot on your plate. but most of it's fun at least!! :0) cupcakes sound really yummy!

  4. Your plate is full!

    I feel your pain. I have more things on my plate then I have time for right now. In fact, yesterday I just blogged how I have 36 hours of stuff to complete in a 24 hour day. Sigh.

    As my husband ALWAYS tells me, "Make a list, cross it off, keep moving." You can do it!

  5. You do have a lot going on! Hopefully it all passes quickly and easily and you can get back to make cute crafts!

  6. It sounds like it! Spring is such a busy time of year! We're doing a lot of running around too.

  7. Whew! I'm tired an all I did was read the post! Good luck getting it all done :) Have a great rest 'o the week.

  8. wow...that is a LOT to do!!
    a camping party sounds super fun though, can't wait to hear about that :)

  9. Spring always seems to packed full for me, too. Hope you enjoy this time and make lots of great memories! :)

  10. busy busy busy!! But fun busy! Have fun fun fun and Happy 6th bday to Henry...can't wait to see pics from his party...I am sure it is gonna be great!

  11. I love the camping party theme...too cute! good luck

  12. That is alot!!

    I just love those colorful plates!

  13. You are busy. It is spring break and I am finding myself busy too and just wanting our routine back. LOL Those ingredients for the cupcakes look interesting...what are you making.

  14. Oh the joys of being a mommy:) Busy busy all the time. Can't wait to see the cupcakes!

  15. Trey is excited about "camping" out at Henry's house!! He FINALLY found a present and thankfully for you & Jason it has a mute button!!

  16. such busy-ness!!! you can do it! taking a blog break helps, too... i've been taking them here and there and it's quite amazing what all you can get done without the distraction of a computer!

  17. Yep, I always think about writing this post...piles of dishes, piles of laundry...ugh, never ending!! Hope you can tackle some of it :)

  18. Whoa Kelli! You do have a lot going on. {Man, I love those dishes!} I know you'll get it all done and the party will be awesome.

  19. Good luck getting it all done and Happy Birthday to Henry!!!!


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