Friday, July 16, 2010

Chocolate Covered Surprise

These look like regular Chocolate Chip Cookies.
But when you bite into them, you get a little surprise.

Instead of being just plain Chocolate Chip Cookies, they have these inside!

I used my regular Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, but in place of the chips, I added in chocolate covered raisins instead!

Sometimes change is good!

Chocolate Covered Raisin Cookies
1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup butter, softened

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

3 cups all purpose flour

2 cups chocolate covered raisins

Cream together sugar, brown sugar, butter, eggs, and vanilla. Gradually add in dry ingredients. Mix in the chocolate covered raisins. Bate at 375 for 10 to 12 minutes.

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up     party!


  1. My husband loves chocolate covered raisins - me not so much. He'd probably love these cookies though!

  2. Those cookies sound wonderful...yum!

    I want some for breakfast with my coffee...can you send a few through email? Ha!

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. too funny I just bought some choc covered raisins, but to use in oatmeal raisin cookies. great idea for choc chip cookies too!

  4. That is a great idea. Sounds yummy too.

  5. Yummy! I will have to try these. And who doesn't love a surprise in their cookie! :-)

  6. Those look yummy and your craft ideas just amaze me. I am soo uncrafty it hurts!!!

  7. mmmmm, I can practically taste them through the screen! Thanks for sharing!

  8. These sound DELICIOUS!!! Are they as good as they look?

  9. Ooh, this sounds great. I love chocolate covered raisins. Thanks for sharing...are there any left?

  10. YUM KELLI~ your cookies look heavenly!!! I WILL HAVE TO MAKE THEM. At first i thought THEY were milk duds... and I thought' OH' my hubs will freak.. Milk duds are his fav. Have a great day! Jenn

  11. Oooo...forgot to add, try adding a bit of granola to your mix as well. It cuts back on the flour a bit and OMG....heavenly!

  12. Wow!! Very clever of ya!! Makes me want to try something new like that too!!

  13. That pretty much sounds like my dream come true. Gonna have to feature these next week. ;)

  14. Get OUT! (In a good way :-)

    Those look delish, what a cool idea!

  15. Your cookies look delicious! What a great idea to use chocolate covered raisins!

  16. great idea. the cookies look really good!!

    i also love the rain pictures. :)

    and the clothesline idea, is such a fantastic idea!! i may have to show my hubby and copy it!!

  17. ooooh...I'm not a fan of raisins, but I think these sound really good! I know I'd like these :) What a sneaky idea,haha!

  18. Yummy have never thought of that...gonna make these! Hope you had a wonderful weekend:)

  19. Yum, these sound and look amazing. A must try for sure.

  20. Clever and yummy! I would have never thought of that what a sweet surprise.

  21. Those sound really delicious. I haven't had chocolate covered raisins in ages. What a wonderful way to dive back in to a childhood favorite! Hopping by from Tickled Pink! Jenn


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