Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pillow and Art Wall Questions.

After I posted pictures of my Entertainment Center turned Bench , I had a ton of people email and comment asking about my pillows.

I picked up my pillows at TJ Maxx, and I found similar ones for my couch at Marshalls. I also just recently discovered that another blogger actually bought the exact same fabric online to make some very pretty curtains.
Judith at Creating Balance did a whole post on finding the fabric {Wilmington-Covington-Multi}and where she bought it.
I also had a few people ask about the Kid's Art Wall Clothes Line that I have hanging in my hallway for the boys' art.

Jason actually did all the work associated with hanging the clothes line, but I don't mind sharing what he did. Here is a close up of the end of the clothes line.

I think this is called an eye bolt. We decided how big we wanted the clothes line to be, and Jason screwed in two eye bolts on either end. Then he cut some picture hanging wire to the length that we wanted and twisted each end of the wire onto the eye bolts. Super easy to do...at least it looked easy while I was watching him do it!
P.S. Those were blueberries all over my kitchen floor in the picture from yesterdays post. Fresh blueberries from my parents' yard that Henry and my mom picked. I was just a little sad to have to throw them away.


  1. I am loving that picture line - I'm absolutely goin to try it!!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think your entertainment center turned bench is amazing!! the hallway art with the woridng on top is super cute! Is that a Chuck E. Cheese corner piece I see? We have tons of those too. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

    P.S. I love the picture on you profile page!!!

  3. I do really love that fabric...so bright and classy. I'm so sorry you had to let the blueberries go...I love blueberries!!!

  4. Ohhhh....throwing away blueberries would have been hard to do. love the pillows. My daughter has a similar line for her little one's art work.

  5. Thanks for sharing about the picture line. Now if I could find a saying to put above it.

  6. I was one if those people who had to know where you got your pillows. I never get lucky when it comes to pillows at TJ Maxx but at least now I know where I can get the fabric to make them. Thanks!

  7. Never would have guessed blueberries...now just a little sad like you to see all that effort on the floor. :-(

    I had missed the art wall post...very cool!

  8. I love the idea of the picture line in your hallway. What a great way to add some color!

  9. We have a similar clothes line thing for our artwork as well...they actually carry it at Ikea. (in the curtain rod section). You have such an eye for design...I wish you were here to help me with my house!

  10. Sigh. Still in love with that *bench.* :)

  11. I love the clothes line thing! Awesome. I think it is just what I need for the playroom. I have been trying to complete that room for months now :) Thanks for sharing all the fun ideas!

  12. So, when is your DIY book coming out??

  13. I do love those pillows and I was wondering how you hung the line so thank you so much for sharing. I knew they were blueberries. WE had some with our dinner tonight. Sorry you dropped them all.

  14. I'm loving the line as well. Even posted a brief line in this post here http://www.kiddiescornerdeals.com/2010/07/4th-of-july-week-at-home.html about it. I agree with Alicia! Make a book:) I'm loving the bench did I miss that post? hmmm...

  15. I love those pillows too! I love TJ Maxx! And the art line looks so simple, I love it! Thanks for sharing...I love your ideas!

  16. I featured you over at Sassy Sites! Come by and check us out! :) I love your blog!!

  17. those pillows ARE very cute...I need to hit up Marshalls & TJ Maxx..soon :)

  18. LoVe the wall art idea! Soo CuTe! I just might have to give it a try :) Thanks for sharing.
    BTW...I featured it here:


    Thanks again! :)

  19. I am so excited to find the fabric that you used, yeah! I have polka dot pillows made from this fabric
    and I have been looking ALL over for a good coordinating fabric.
    Alison of themoderncottage.blogspot.com

  20. Love the wall quote. Where can I find it, in the same font?? Thanks!


  21. Found this post through Pinterest. I LOVE the art display. I am going to attempt it in my hallway. Thank you for the inspiration!

  22. Hi, I saw this awesome idea for the clothesline through pinterest and was wondering if I could use a picture of your idea in a blog post I am writing about many ideas for what to do with your children's art? It will be posted for the families at my school to see. I teach K-6 art. Let me know!

  23. Hi! I would like to link a picture of your idea for children's art on my blog. I am writing a post about what to do with all of your kid's masterpieces. I will be posting it for the parents at my school (K-6) to see. I would of course, link back to your blog.

  24. I also have 2 of those MADE IN USA pillows.. woot.. TJMAXX also.. But I'd love to know the link to the fabric.

  25. If anyone reads this.. I'd love to know where this fabric for the pillows can be bought.. I also have 2 of the pillows from TJmaxx.. lol.

  26. I love your clothes line trick. I included it today in a post on 7 clever (and frugal) ways to display the ever evolving art from little ones.

  27. I love your clothes line trick. I included it today in a post on 7 clever (and frugal) ways to display the ever evolving art from little ones.


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