Friday, April 15, 2011

Dirt Cups

Last week, one of Grant's teacher asked if I would mind bringing Dirt Cups for the kids in his class. I said problem. The only problem was that I really hadn't ever made Dirt Cups before and I didn't have a recipe! Luckily my lovely blog/twitter friend Angie came to the rescue after I sent out a distress tweet asking for a recipe! She sweetly emailed me a copy of a recipe out of a church cookbook from her childhood! I used her recipe as a base, changed up a few things, and made it times 1 1/2 so that I would have plenty for the almost 30 kiddos in Grant's class!
:Dirt Cups:
2 packages of Oreos
3 8oz. packages of cream cheese
3 cups of powdered sugar
1 large box of instant chocolate pudding
3 cups of milk
12 oz of Cool Whip
gummie worms
I started by putting one package of Oreos at a time in my food processor and letting them whirl!
 You want the cookie crumbs to be the texture of real dirt, and that only takes a few seconds in a food processor!
 In my lovely {but oh so old} KitchenAid mixer I added the 3 blocks of cream cheese and the 3 cups of powdered sugar. I slowly incorporated the two so that powdered sugar didn't fly all over my kitchen, then I set it on medium speed and let it go until it was well blended and a little fluffy.
 While that mixture was working, I added my pudding mix and 3 cups of milk into a bowl and whisked them together well to get out any lumps.
 Then I added in my Cool Whip and slowly whisked it in until the mixture was smooth.
 Next I added my pudding/Cool Whip mixture slowly into the cream cheese/powdered sugar mixture. Beat on low until all ingredients are well mixed making sure to scrap the sides of the bowl....the cream cheese mixture likes to hang out on the side of the bowl and not mix in so work it a little!
 The last thing I added to the mixture was about a third of the cookie crumbs from earlier. I didn't really measure, just dumped in enough to give the mixture a little fun texture!
The next part is one of the most important: quality control. Before you serve up this yummy mixture, you really should lick the beater to make sure that it taste just right....or at least that they way we roll at our house:)
 Scoop up the mixture into small clear cups and top the cups with the remaining cookie crumbs and a gummie worm!
 I think the kiddos in Grant's class are learning about insects this week, but this would also be a great snack for Earth Day next week too! It was seriously so yummy that we may be making it again next Friday:)



  1. That is one cool treat! I wish we could do something like that for Hannah's class but here we can only bring in packaged treats and... they have to be healthy. (??) I know about healthy.. but geeze Louise let them be kids also.!!! Pthtthththh.. I may just do this little project at home with her.

  2. Yum!! This reminds me of a chocolate pudding pie that I sometimes make. Mmm.

  3. I have seen those all over but never made them. However, they look really yummy to me this morning and your right, what a cute idea for Earth Day! Maybe if I have the time I'll make some up, if not there is always this Summer!

  4. I just have to say that you are a great photographer! I wish I could take half as good photos as you do!
    And so glad dirt cups are still being made! I remember it when I was little and still love it today!! Yum!!
    So glad to know there are still mom's so involved in their childrens classrooms! I am a teacher and notice there isn't much involvement!


  5. Oh man. I haven't had these in forever and they look SO yummy.

    I have to ditto Amber, too. As a former teacher, I noticed a lack of interest on the part of many parents - - so nice to see a momma helping out! :)

    Catherine @ Avery & Winslow

  6. What a nice treat for Grant's class! I'll bet that the kids loved these. A version of this dessert would be fun for a garden themed party, too!

  7. What a great idea! And good to know that Earth Day is coming up ... yikes, gotta get on it!

    henry  happened

  8. That looks delicious. My sons especially would love to eat that!

  9. Yummy. We have made these in little planting pots, so much fun.

  10. So cute & yummy too! I've done this will chocolate pudding & cookie crubs. But this recipe looks so good I'm going to try it! :)

  11. I love this! It's easy and fun and it sounds delicious!

  12. Kelli, this was so cute that I linked it up on my FB page. I've seen those before, but didn't know how they were made. I have a food processor, so I could do it! However, my girls HATE in--they run away screaming whenever they see one, which drives me crazy. I think they get it from their dad, who is terrified of spiders. Ha!

    Thanks so much for linking up with me, friend. :)

  13. yummy! i used to make this in a flower pot and called it dirt cake :) i made one when i was teaching and the kids really thought i was eating dirt :) my kids would love this!

  14. MMMM It all looks so good !!!

  15. Quality control is my favorite part of baking :) Those look super yummy!!

  16. If I make this does it mean I have to share with the kids :) I love oreos so this looks SO yummy.

  17. That is a bunch of oreos! Looks yummy though!

  18. Oh my gosh how fun! I am going to make these and take them for my son's birthday snack at preschool on Monday!

  19. My kids made this during VBS one time,and it was so fun! Yummy, too!

  20. Very fun! I was thinking of making a "kitty litter" cake and setting it out after school one day. LOL

  21. Those little cups turned out so super cute! I really want to make this for the kiddos...Hhhmmmm maybe for Easter!

  22. My mom used to make these for us when we were kids but that was A LONG time ago!! This would be perfect for my Foodie Friday linky party - stop by this week and link up!

    If you have a sec, feel free to pop over now to enter my GIVEAWAY! Entries must be in by tonight and the winner will be announced tomorrow morning!!

  23. I featured this on my friday favorites

  24. this is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. sooo yummy!


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