Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Very Own Mythbusters

My boys don't watch a whole lot of tv. Besides early morning preschool shows, the occasional DVR'd episode of Tom & Jerry, and a new AFV here and there, they would honestly rather be outside running around in the yard! The one exception to that rule is MythBusters...they would give up playtime outside to watch MythBusters with their daddy any day of the week. We usually watch as a family {since it is a more adult show and you have to be careful about commercials}, and I love how much they love a show that is teaching them stuff!

Henry came home last week asking about an experiment we saw on an episode of MythBusters years ago. They had apparently tried out this myth at school, and he was dying to try it at home!

Here's a clip just in case you haven't seen this fun Diet Coke and Mentos experiment: 

So last weekend, we picked up a few 2 liter Diet Cokes and a roll of Mentos at the store, and headed to the backyard to test out this myth!

The boys had so much fun doing this, and I think they may have learned a little something too...at least maybe Henry did, Grant was too worried about trying to drink the spray of Diet Coke:) This was a fun experiment that kept the kiddos entertained for the cost of a few bottles of soda and some candy! If you haven't ever done this experiment with your kiddos, you should try it sometime!


  1. That last photo of him trying to drink the spray is hysterical. How fun!

  2. I never thought of trying that experiment with the kids. I'm sure Buddy would love it (and also try to drink the spraying coke).

  3. Your photos are so charming. I love it. We did some experiments just like this. We compared diet coke to diet pepsi!

  4. You guys are such fun parents! I love the photo of Grant trying to catch the soda in his mouth!

  5. I have been doing this experiment with the kids at my daycare for a few years and it never gets old!!! There are even these kits you can buy where you can drop 7 mentos in at one time to get a bigger explosion! We also like to test which sodas go the highest ( diet coke always wins, and orange crush barely fizzles!!).

  6. LOVE it. what a precious memory for the boys too. :)

  7. How fun! They'll always remember things like this!

  8. Whenever my husbands family gets together they load up on the diet coke and mentos and trying to see how high they can get the bottle to fly or trying to get it to explode.

  9. How funny him trying to "catch" the diet coke! We only allow sodas on special occasions so my boys would try doing the same thing.

  10. This is always so much fun. Love him trying to catch it while its spraying.

  11. How fun are you guys! Rondell loves that show too.

  12. That is crazy! I definitely need to try this with my boys.

  13. My son did a science experiment using mentos and diet coke. So much fun! We spent quite a bit of money :)


  14. so much fun! We will be trying this with our boys(:


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