Friday, March 30, 2012

March Recap Via Instagram

We celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday.
Somebody ate lots of peanuts.
 Jason and I took Henry and Grant to a concert. Building 429 was our fav and we are still rocking to their CD in the car everyday!
 I got new shoes in preparation for our big trip....
 ...then Eli wanted to show his shoes off too!
 I baked a yummy pound cake for our neighbor who had a death in their family.
 We worked on the Airstream...well Jason work. I helped a little and took pictures:)
 We cleaned the icky gross {but now clean after three gallons of bleach} water tank.
 Eli and I did a little thrift store shopping.
 Eli wrote his name for the first time. I was pretty impressed because we haven't really worked on it!
 Henry and Grant got free Krispy Kreme donuts for all their A's on their report card!
 Eli and I went shopping at Target.
 We had some really scary weather!
 I made Pecan Butter cookies for my sister...and sample a few of the broken ones.
 Four generations on a Friday night....Jason didn't know how to use the camera on my iPhone:)
 I accidentally put the milk and bread a little too close together in the car!
 We had pancakes and scrambled eggs for dinner! Breakfast for dinner is always fun!
 Eli and I did some more Target shopping.
 Eli picked me some "flowers".
 Somebody thought it would be fun to put a bunch of dinosaur stickers on the stairs....and they are still there!


  1. Wow, Eli is doing great on his name! Cubbie's real name starts with a J, and he keeps drawing it backwards.

    Those pancakes look yummy!

  2. Cute recap!!

    Buster just started writing his name on his own within the last month or so. It always makes me smile. I should have blogged about it at some point, but I forgot.

  3. SO many fun moments and YAY for the Airstream. I love being able to follow people through Instagram...feels like I'm hanging out with you.

  4. I love the wrap-up! I know these posts can be a lot of work but I really enjoyed it. :)

  5. I love Instagram, too!!! Great pics!!! I love your recap!!! Off to explore more!!!

    XO, Aimee
    Your newest follower.

  6. I love your monthly's so fun to catch up on the little going to Target! :-)

    your trip is getting so close! Can't wait to see the airstream! I bet you're all getting so excited!

    yay for Eli! what a good job! He's growing up so fast!

    look forward to April!

  7. So busy. Yay for Eli, he did wonderful! This weather is so scary. I hope it calms down. And I LOVE breakfast for dinner, yum yum!

  8. You have an adorable family! You guys have an airstream??? Sweet!!!!!

  9. this is so fun! I love cellphone update posts. and pancakes and eggs for dinner? my fav! yummy :)

  10. I love these posts! And I want to go to a thrift store now.. :)

  11. I love your recap! I really love is so fun!


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