Friday, April 20, 2012

Project Airstream Update: A Video

We have been working hard on Project Airstream....and it's been a while since I've shared about our progress. So this time instead of just posting a couple of not so great picture {It is really hard to take good shots in such a small space!}, I thought I would share a little video tour. I have to tell you that I went WAY out of my comfort zone to film and share this video. I hate the way my voice sounds on recordings...and I almost thought about doing a silent video tour. But I decided you really needed a little narration to know what you were looking at, and then I just couldn't stop talking! This video is a little longer than I was planning...apparently I got more comfortable talking and filming as time went by. And hopefully my shaky filming doesn't make you too queasy! Enjoy the video:)

Here's a few quick pictures just in case you don't have time to watch the video right now:

We've come a long way from the 1977 {retro & not in a good way} Airstream that we brought home last June {click HERE to see pictures of what we started with}, but we still have a lot to do to get ready for our big trip at the end of May! I would love to know what you think about our progress so far!
Linking up here..


  1. I'll have to watch the video later (can't at work), but oh my gosh! The pictures make me really want to watch it. How cool. Good job!

  2. Oh wow! I've not watched the video but I went back through the previous Airstream posts, you guys are doing an AMAZING job, it looks wonderful!
    It looks like it could have just come from the shop, I'm sure you will have it all up and running for your trip, which also sounds amazing!

  3. Wow! First, I love what you have done with your awesome Airstream project! So bright and cheerful! Second, my husband would be so envious! He really would like to road trip his whole life long, and he would fall over if he saw this! As he would say, "Niiicccce!"

  4. I love this!!
    You guys have done such a great job, I can't wait to see it all completed :)

  5. That's awesome! You've done such an awesome job so far!!! :) Love everything!
    Ashley (or abbrandes from Instagram :))

  6. I love that you did a video update. I have been considering doing a vlog so that people can hear my voice, I may just do it now.

    Y'all have done a TON of work on the airstream, I am very impressed.

  7. Love the way it turned out!!!! You are doing a great job!

  8. very cool Im working on redoing a pop up camper and I love seeing what your doing. How did you do that table???? its very cool

  9. Not sure how I originally came across your blog but I did and what an awesome project to take on . . . It will be super fun once you hit the road. As a teenager my favorite Aunt, cousin and myself lived in her camper at the beach ALL summer . . . for 5 summers. It was great fun. Just us girls . . . . Love the "bunk" room for the boys. Maybe a 3 bunk across the back window . . . i remember those tiny windows in the top bunk!!!! Hope you have a super fun adventure!

  10. looks adorable, I love the shades with the penant on them!!

  11. Wow, its cute! I recently purchased a 1978 Shasta motor home and I am doing a little sprucing up to mine too.

  12. how fun!! it was fun to hear your voice. :) i, too, hate my recorded voice. can't wait to see the "final" product!

  13. I love the guys are doing a great job! I love the Wilson sign. I need to get one of those for our pop up!

  14. Wow you have done a lot. It looks amazing. I can't wait to see it completely finished. How fun)

  15. It was so fun to hear your voice!!! I showed this to Rondell who is officially jealous and impressed with all of your hard work. I still LOVE that table :)

  16. I loved watching your video! And I love your southern accent ;-) It looks amazing! you are going to have a blast in there on the trip! You have all made such great use of the space! Can't wait! :-)

  17. I am in love with it! We don't have an Airstream(althought I would love too) we just have a camper, but this kinda makes me want to go rip it all apart and make it pretty:) Looks awesome!

  18. I love that table! I'm not sure if I could handle demo-ing my camper and totally redoing it. But bravo to you for giving it a go!

  19. Kelli!!!! Oh my goodness. Your airstream is FABULOUS. It's the cutest one I have ever seen. It's so funny - I spent about 3 hours tonight trying to find a vintage trailer. You are living the dream girl!!

    I hope you are having a wonderful trip in your airstream. I am so jealous. I adore the entire project. You have done a wonderful job. LOVE those pennant shades and that map table is fabulous!!!

    You are amazing!!!


  20. You're my hero. I am so dying to have and remodel an airstream. I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm super excited to.


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