Monday, May 7, 2012

Roadtrip Ready: Let the Kids Research

Planning is half the fun of a least it is for me anyway! But planning a roadtrip can be SUPER stressful! There are a lot of things to consider: what route to take, where to stay, where to eat, what attractions to visit, what to pack, and a million more decisions that have to be made before you leave and during your roadtrip. So why not let the kids help out with some of the research and planning. They will learn a little about your destination, and they may even stumble upon something really cool that you had passed over! 
I picked up all three of these books at my boys' school book fair this year. They are full of information from the names of all the state capitals to crazy facts like it's illegal to steal an alligator in Louisiana:) These books also have information on lots of fun and interesting places that my boys have asked to visit on our roadtrip. They are helping the boys get a better grasp on US geography and understanding where we live in relation to where we are going this summer. One of the best things about these books is that after the kiddos research and help plan, they can bring the books along in the car and play the games and work the puzzles! I'm sure you could find these books {or similar ones} at a book store or even at Target.
Another great {and inexpensive} book to pick up is an atlas. The kids will love following along on the roadtrip and you could even get them to "help out" by telling you which city is next on your route or which road is your next turn. For younger kids you can start out with your route marked on the map for them, and for older kids you can give them a marker and let them mark the route as you travel. I'm sure your kids' future geography teachers will appreciate the fact that your kids will know how to read a map:)

Another great way to let your kiddos do a little roadtrip research is to pick up some books at the library. Since we are going to be camping, I found a couple of camp themed books along with a few family vacation books too. You can let the kids read the books before your trip to get a feel for how family vacations/roadtrips work, or you can save them for the car during the trip {as long as you won't be gone longer than the loan period for your library!}.
The best thing about letting the kids help with the planning and research is that they will be even more excited about your trip when you finally head out!

Linking up here..


  1. Those top books are really cool. I'll have to think about that for when we go to Florida next year. I love that way you're getting your boys involved in your trip. It is going to be amazing!

  2. Fabulous ideas. I love that you showed them on the map your trip plans. We love the book, "Bears Vacation."
    Hope you have a great day!

  3. Smart! I'll have to try some of this with my nephew!

    xoxo, Amy

  4. we took a RV road trip for 2 weeks and each kid had to find something fun to do in the place we fun! and really educational for the kids...

  5. We drive to Indiana from Texas every summer and these are some awesome ideas to make the trip a little more involved for them!

    I definitely need to check out those book and see if we can make some small detours!

    Great tips!

  6. I love this idea - getting them involved will make it so much more fun for them!!

  7. Great ideas. Using the atlas is a wonderful idea. Not only is it educational, but it gives the memories of the trip a whole different dimension for them. I would love it if you would consider linking to Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy, a Sunday through Thursday link party for ideas that make life easier, better and more fun!

  8. Great ideas! I'd love for you to add it on my link party at: Thanks!


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