Saturday, February 2, 2013

January Recap Via Instagram

We started January off by working on the chicken coop. And I promise to post more of the {almost} finished coop this week!
 I lounged around in my Christmas pjs and avoided taking down the tree:)
 We took the boys ice skating for the very first was a learning experience for sure.
 But I think they had fun!
 I painted the chicken coop. This is pretty much what it looks like now except Jason has added electrical and plumbing stuff and he is working on putting the run together.
 Eli and I had a lazy Monday at home.
 Jason and I started P90X again.
 This silly boy took his new puppy to school for show and tell.
 I tried to eat healthy...oranges are yummy, but ice cream still taste better:)
 I did laundry.
 Henry and Grant got their report cards. All A's for both of them.
 The boys stayed the night at my parents, so my Saturday consisted of a nice quiet cup of coffee and a pedicure.
 We cleaned out our shed and I sorted through all our old paint cans.
 Preschoolers at church make such pretty messes with paint:)
 Eli and I had another lazy Monday  morning.
 Snow was in our forecast...but it didn't happen! We were kind of sad!
 Henry worked on his reading fair project.
 I made some fun snacks for the 100th day of school.
 Grant made a Froot Loop necklace at his 100th Day of School party.
 Pretty blue skies and a county road.
 I made a yummy malted milk chocolate cake for my mom's birthday.
 We bought another Airstream...I'll have to do a post about this soon!
 Dirty dishes started to overtake my kitchen.
 I made another cake for another birthday. This was Neapolitan for my Grandfather's 77th birthday.
 Eli played outside all day and then had a picnic lunch. It has been feeling like spring here lately!
 I pulled out my old elliptical machine and did a little bit of working out while watching Rachael Ray.
 I gave into peer pressure and joined Vine. Come find me!
 I took a much needed trip to Hobby Lobby and bought all kinds of pretty fabric and ribbon!


  1. You bought another Airstream?! I must hear all about this! And what is Vine?! I've never heard of it either.

  2. Cake and Hobby Lobby! Sounds like a great month to me!

  3. Love me some Instagram, I should do a post like this one of these days. Of course that would require me to actually catch up from the months I took off.

    Another Airstream... FUN!

    Vine??? You are the 2nd person I heard mention this.


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