Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rolling.... and Some Gingerbread Boys

Eli almost rolled over!!
I left Eli on the floor to play while I was washing some dishes and when I came back to check on him, he was laying like this. He had gotten everything over except for his left arm {which he didn't seem to care about because he was enjoying sucking the thumb that was stuck in his face}! I talked to him a minute to see if he would pick his head up and get that arm unstuck, but no luck! Oh well, I guess he will roll when he wants to!

Our Gingerbread Boys
We made an army of gingerbread boys the other day. We normally make a gingerbread house or something like that when Jason is off of work for Christmas. But this year because he has been working so much overtime, it was just me and the boys. I made two types of Gingerbread dough, mainly because I haven't ever made gingerbread from scratch and I wanted to make sure that at least one of the recipes turned out good. So I made cookie dough while the boys watch a Christmas movie on t.v. {I think it was either Rudolph or The Grinch}. After the dough chilled for a while, we all sat at the table with our rolling pins (aka cups for the boys), cookie cutters, and lots of powdered sugar to use for dusting the table! Someone told me the other day that gingerbread is really were they ever right. I have made lots of rolled sugar cookies before and they were never this STICKY! Needless to say we had quite a messy time making our cookies. While we were cutting our the boys, Henry asked "Where are the gingerbread girls?" I told him we didn't have any, but I thought to myself, it sure would be nice to have gingerbread girls around here! Maybe one day!
So here are a few pictures of our cookie making adventure....Enjoy!

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