Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cute Little Box

Henry's teacher sent home a note about two weeks ago, asking us to send in a decorated box for their Valentine's Day party. Because we were packing for Disney and then out of town all last week, we were a few days late getting started on his box. We worked on it Tuesday afternoon and then took it to school on Wednesday {I think everyone else brought theirs in on Monday}. Actually, Jason wrapped the box for me Monday night {he is much better at that kind of thing...straight edges and nice creased lines...than I am}. Henry and I decorated his box the next day with lots of red and white stickers {and few things that had to be hot glued on}.

His box turned out pretty cute, considering we just used some old craft stuff I had around the house. I think I may save this box and let him use it again next year, because you know they will be doing the whole Valentine mailbox thing in Kindergarten too!!

Henry had his very first Valentine's Day party at preschool today.
And I forgot my camera.
But I did get this picture of the inside of his Valentine's box and all the goodies he brought home.
He got all kinds of cute stuff....pencils, candy, bubbles, and cards! I think I am going to keep one or two or the cards....since these are the first Valentine's he has gotten from someone other than me or Jason!


  1. How cute! It turned out wonderful! My daughter's class just used paper bags and of course that was destroyed once it was put into her bookbag on the way home. I like the box idea so much better!

  2. That box turned out very cute. He did get alot of loot too. How fun for him. they love looking through their stuff.

  3. It's really cute, you guys did a great job! I remember making valentine boxes in elementary school, I loved making them with my mom each year!

    They don't do that at my sons elem. though, at least his teachers in K & 1st haven't. They just decorated paper bags but I wish they would do the boxes, I think it's so much nicer!

  4. You guys did a great job with what you had at home!! LOL, I would have bought something at the store!!!

    Looks like he got a bunch of goodies too!


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