Thursday, February 19, 2009

My boys and their toys!

When I first found out that my oldest child was a boy, I remember thinking "Yuck!! Boys' toys are NO fun!!". I remembered all the toys that I had as a child {Barbie, My Little Pony, Rainbow Bright} and had hoped for the day that I would be able to play with those really girly toys again.

After three boys, I am stuck playing with dump trucks, super heroes, dinosaurs and trains. With almost five years of playing with boys' toys under my belt, I have found that some aren't nearly as bad as other. I have actually grown to like dinosaurs, and for Christmas this year I found some really cute {age appropriate} super heroes for the boys to play with. After reading Aileigh's post about her son and his trains, I started thinking about how much my boys really LOVE their Geotrax trains.

I think Henry got his first set of Geotrax for his second birthday. We have slowly added to the collection, and Grant got a big addition {a few trains, a bunch of tracks, and a train table that 'Santa' made for him} for Christmas two years ago. Even though the trains are a relatively old toy, my boys still play with them almost everyday!! They love to build tracks and hook the trains together. Henry and Grant will spend hours in the playroom building and playing with their trains {with only a few whines, hits, and tattles added in just because they are brothers}. The boys have so much fun with their Geotrax, and Jason and I even like to set up the train track sometimes to see what all we can build!

I guess boys' toys aren't as bad as I though they would be!!


  1. My boys love their trains too. I can say that's the one thing that they do play with quite often. Great pictures!

  2. We have GeoTrax too... in about 3 big storage bins! How do you keep that stuff organized? And we're guilty for adding to it every Christmas! I dread it when it comes out and onto the floor. There are always battles between the "engineer" and the "track designer". LOL. ...sigh...

    Happy Rails!

  3. Those sound really neat. Owen is into Thomas, but I bet he would love a different kind of train. Do you recommend a starter set?

  4. My kids never owned the geotrain, but my friends kids did...and they all loved playing with it. Cute pictures.

  5. We've had Geotrax for over 4 years now and my boys have played with them consistently since we got them. They go through times where they don't play with them as much but lately, all three have been building tracks all over my living room. We have A LOT of them. They really are fun, my husband builds the coolest tracks and so does my oldest. Geotrax are definitely one of their (and our) favorite toys.

    I love dinosaurs as well, we have a storage tub full of them. I also love all of their Little People sets. I always dreaded the superhero toys too but I actually kind of like their Pokemon and Star Wars figures. The Pokemon are cute!

    I guess we got our turns playing with the cool girl toys years ago and now it's time to experience how fun boy toys can be!

  6. Our boys have GeoTrax too. And to tell you the truth, I probably like to build the tracks more than they do. We don't have a playroom so we don't get them out all the time, but when we do it's a blas. but oh the batteries they go through.

    I think My Little Pony was one of my favorite things when I was growing up.

  7. Too funny! We have had one geotrax but we are mostly Thomas! It's funny how fascinated they are with them! :)


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