Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not me! Monday.

This blog carnival was created by MckMama over at My Charming Kids. Go check it out and join in!! It is SUPER fun!

I did NOT seriously reconsider our decision to sign Henry up for t-ball this year after his coach called and said their first practice would be next Saturday. I did NOT think that all the games and practices would be during the week, leaving Saturday for family stuff and being lazy.

I did NOT sweetly ask {force} my husband to go to the store and buy us some ice cream at 8:00 pm one night last week. We do NOT love the new Buttercrunch Blue Bell ice cream, and we have not eaten probably 10 half gallons since Novemeber!

I have NOT been carrying around a birthday present for my friend Tracy's little boy for more than a week and a half. I did NOT forget to give it to her everytime I saw her at church.

I did NOT get a lovely sunburn on Saturday while watching a {VERY family friendly} Mardi Gras parade. It was NOT very odd shaped, because I did not have on a scoop neck shirt with a pretty big necklace. My children also did NOT get a little sunburn because I always make sure to put sunblock on them before we go out in the sun!!

I was NOT a little glad that we didn't have Awana's at church last night. I do NOT need a break from working {and living} with a ton of preschoolers all the time. I did NOT go walking instead and then veg out on the couch for the rest of the night.


  1. I do NOT want ice cream! Don't worry, I've been carrying around a present for awhile too.

  2. I have NEVER "asked" my husband to go get me icecream..or other things from the store later at night! :)

  3. I bought an entire gallon of ice cream just a few days ago, NOT to share with my children. I bought it so my husband and I could have Kahlua shakes AFTER they are in bed :)

  4. Great not me Monday! I have (not) done all of those things too! And I just had the same thought with my son's tball team this week! And thanks for the ice cream tip...we're always looking for new tasty flavors. The Breyers one with the brownie pieces in it is our current fave.

  5. That I cream sounds really good right now. I'm secretly a little jealous of your sunburn - that means you have warmth and sunshine! :-)

  6. Cute little boys and great post! I was also wanting a break from AWANA last week:)

  7. Your boys are super cute!! Now I am craving ice cream too!

  8. I am sorry, but sunburn lines just crack me up for some reason. I love it when girls wear strapless dresses with big sunburn strapes. I can only laugh, because I am the inventor of the farmer tan. LOL
    Great list!


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