Thursday, March 12, 2009

Every mom...


A few weeks ago, I {finally} let my husband check out my blog. I really respect his opinion, so I had been sort of {but not really} hiding my blog from him. I just hadn’t shared my blog with him, mainly because I thought he might think it was silly or a waste of time {So, this is why the dishes aren’t done!}.

When I finally showed it to him, I anxiously waited for his response.

All he said was “You think you are a supermom?”.

Now, I don’t think he meant for it to sound rude {at least I hope he didn’t, though he does really know me and all my faults and flaws}. But it did make me think.

Is it a little pretentious of me to call myself a SUPERMOM? I don’t mean for it to come off that way, but I guess some people could take it that way….

The thing is, I don’t think I am the one and only SUPERMOM. Actually I think there are a ton of SUPERMOMS out there. There are probably more than I could ever imagine, and blogging has helped me discover a bunch of really fantastic SUPERMOMS who are also wives, sister, and friends.

The day after I showed Jason my blog, I got a parenting magazine in the mail.

The front cover said:
“it’s a bird, it’s
a plane, it’s…you!!
why every
mom is a

I thought “WOW! This is just what I need!” An article that tells me why every mom {including me} is a SUPERMOM! And guess what the title of the article is….”I AM SUPERMOM”

That’s right.

Paula Spencer {the SUPERMOM who wrote the article} apparently thinks very much like me, because she thinks that mothering is what gives us these wonderful superpowers that make all us mothers: SUPERMOMS.

The article talks about the five heroic traits you didn’t know you had-until you had a child.


This was great reminder that I am not at all being pretentious when I call myself a SUPERMOM, because we are all SUPERMOMS!!

Go check out the whole article on the Parenting website!


  1. thanks for the comment!! Gotta love husbands...the poor souls have no idea about what us supermoms have to put up with!

  2. that's right. we are all super moms. thanks for reminding me. :0)

  3. I'm with you! This world needs SUPERMOMS and we just need to make sure to remind and encourage all the other SUPERMOMS out in the world.

    Thanks for the encouraging words and the outstanding title of SUPERMOM!

  4. Nope..not pretentious at all!! I never thought twice about your title! Every mom IS a supermom!!

  5. I never thought of it like that at all...You are right, if you are a mom, then you are a Supermom and deserve that title. Love your new header...super cute.

  6. I think all us moms can relate...that's why your claim of supermom just felt like a connection rather than a brag. We all know what it takes! I let Paul read my blog not that long ago, and he loves it! He's so funny-he tells all the women he works with they should go read it, and he says we should get a window sticker for the van! I hope you gals have a great time out tomorrow...I wish I could go. :( Maybe next time.

  7. I actually thought it was VERY cool and appropriate that you titled your blog the way you did. We are all super moms. That's for sure!! :D

  8. Definitely not pretentious! We are supermoms and thanks for reminding us!
    I love the new blog look too.


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