Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

This weeks challenge is:
July 2004
7th folder closest year
22nd picture
For more Random Picture Challenge check out 4 little men and girly twins!

Henry at around 3 months old!
I can't figure out who's car we are in, because we always used the carseat base when we were in our own cars {See the seatbelt across the carseat}!
I think this may have been in the church van...when Henry was a baby I started a Mommy and Me group at our old church.
A group of us moms would take the kids {and babies} on outings once a month...swimming, playground, Chick-fil-A. I think it was more fun for the moms than the kids, because a few of them {like Henry} were too little to do anything!

Don't forget to enter my 100th post SUPER summer giveaway!


  1. He doesn't look like he's very impressed with being in the car but maybe he was just thinking.

  2. He has that look babies have after falling asleep in the car and waking up, "hmmm, how'd I get here?!"

  3. So cute! My daughter was almost 2 months in July of 2004. It's so fun to look back at baby pics!

  4. I really like this meme! I need to do it again!!! LOL

    He looks like he's just chillin'!!

  5. I wish my kids were still in those baby carriers. Makes me sad...In 2004 I was pregnant with my last one:)

  6. Aww, he was so little! Love how he's just starring out the window!

  7. You have a neat blog! Blessings on your family. =)

  8. Happy Mother's Day from Covington Georgia!!!I hope all is well with you and yours

  9. I hope you have a good day! It is cloudy in Georgia. Your children are precious, mine are all grown up 39-35-34 and 5 grandchildren and one great grand daughter


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