Friday, June 5, 2009

Photostory Friday: VBS Crocodile Dock

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. Love the decorations and all the pics! VBS is so fun! Looks like they had a great week! Hope you did too...maybe you can go have your coffee now! ha ha! Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Looks like everyone had fun!

  3. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I am sure that I will hear all about it from Carter this weekend. Hopefully by next year, we will be back home and able to do VBS with you guys!
    The props are SO cute. Did you do those?

  4. What great pictures I love the set or stage very cool looking.

  5. What a cute idea for VBS. A crocodile dock!! Your children are precious.

  6. Great pictures. Darling kids.

  7. I can't wait our VBS starts not until July 6! Our theme this year is Crocodile Dock also and last year it was Power lab which was a blast!

    Thanks for sharing! great pictures!

  8. Besides the VBS at our church, I also take my three youngest to a church close to my house for their VBS. Anyway, this is the same theme they're going to be using!! I'm really excited about it!!

    Those are great pictures, Kelli! I never get tired of looking at your boys faces!!! :)

  9. Looks like great fun. I really hate that I had to work and missed out on helping. But Carter had a blast. I'm so glad Delk's mom could bring him.

  10. Great pictures! We had a really good week!! Thanks for the cameo of Jacob! :)

  11. I love VBS! I can't wait until my kids get to attend. Great decorations!! The kids must have loved it!

  12. looks like a lot of fun. i love the crayon picture.

  13. Looks like they will be having a good time. Love the crayon shot.


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