Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have NOT had a pretty cruddy week. It did NOT start out pretty good and then quickly go down hill from there! It is NOT finally starting to get a little better this morning.

The week was NOT cruddy because all three of my boys were NOT sick. They did NOT run a fever, cough, throw up, and just plain old act sick for the majority of the week. We did NOT stay in our PJs all day at least twice last week. And we did NOT stay in the house for three days straight except to go to the mailbox!

On top of all three boys being sick, I have NOT been having a major flare up with my RA. My hands are NOT the size of King Kongs right now from all the swelling and inflammation! I have NOT been a little concerned that if the swelling doesn't go down, I may have to cut off my wedding ring!

I did NOT spend a while looking around at Target {during mine and Karen's SUPER fun mini girls night out!} for foods that are supposed to help with inflammation. I did NOT come home with some yummy orange juice and a bag of scary looking flaxseed {which Karen thinks looks like something birds would eat}. I am NOT completely lost as to what I can do with the flaxseed other than sprinkle it in my yogurt or cereal.

We did NOT have a very busy 4th of July despite all the cruddiness! We did NOT see almost every single person that we are related to {my family and Jason's} at least once over the long weekend. That did NOT seem to make the weekend even LONGER!

We did NOT have two BBQs, go swimming, watch fireworks, and go to two birthday parties in just three days....there is NO way that we would try to cram that much stuff into one long weekend....especially when the boy and I are not feeling our best!

I am NOT feeling a little better today, and I am NOT hoping that this week is a little better than last week!

I am NOT going to remind you to enter my GIVEAWAY for a free 3 month JumpStart membership and one of my SUPER cute personalized towels!


  1. you mean to tell me you haven't come up with how to use the birdseed...oh, i mean flaxseed! lol

    the boys look absolutely adorable!! :)

  2. Wow, sorry to hear about all the sickness! That doesn't sound like much fun!

  3. I am so sorry you guys have all been sick! That stinks... major! Why is it that kids always get sick in the summertime? When they are supposed to be well! I hope your RA gets better! I will have to jump over and enter the giveaway! I have been MIA in blog world! The kiddos are too adorable in that picture! LOVE it! :)

  4. Look at those handsome little men. I hope this week is better!

  5. That is a stinky week! I hope this week is so much better for you. I don't think I would have survived your weekend, but by the looks of the picture the boys sure enjoyed it!

  6. Ooo sounds like you have not not been having a fun week. Hopefully this week is better.

  7. Here's to a change of events and a happy new week.....

    and can I say that that is not one of the cutest pics ever of your three little men?

  8. Sorry you had a bad week!! I'm still trying to catch up on all the reading I missed-it's a bit overwhelming, but I'm getting there! I hope you feel lots better and that your hands stop swelling soon!! That is a great picture of the boys!

  9. You are a trooper!! Doing all those things while not feeling good! Wow!

    I love the picture of your boys! Adorable as always!

  10. Loving the picture of the boys in their patriotic gear. Man, I failed at dressing my kiddos up in something festive this year!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have had such a crummy week last week, but I'm happy to hear that you still had a great (although busy!) 4th of July weekend!

  11. Sorry to hear you had such a rough week. Hope this one is better. You know you can call me if you need anything. That is a great pic of the boys. I thought we had a busy weekend but I think you beat me at that.

  12. Super cute picture of your three boys!!! Cute 'not me' Mondays too! Glad your week is getting better!

  13. I do NOT love that pic of your boys!!!!
    and I can NOT relate to cramming as much as possible into one 24 hour period!! why do we do that to ourselves?!
    hope you feel better :)

  14. Sorry about the sickness...yuck. I hope everyone is all better soon. Love the boys shirts. Too cute.

  15. Wow. Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Hope everyone feels better soon.

  16. That pic of your boys is ADORABLE!!!! Hope the RA gets under control soon. :(
    I like to sprinkle flax seeds in with granola. Yum!

  17. so sorry you are not feeling well...such a bummer :( Love the pic of the cute! I had a cute dress for Emily to wear...then it rained all day, so she chose pj's instead! haha! Hope you have a better week...and so do NOT want to win that giveaway! LOL!

  18. I've read bits and parts of you being sick, but didn't realize that you had RA. I sure hope that you are feeling better very soon! I also hope the boys are feeling better, kids aren't supposed to be sick in the summertime!! Despite all of that, you sure got a super cute picture of those little guys!!

  19. Yikes! Sick and RA flare fun! I'm so glad you guys are feeling better and I hope your swelling has gone down. I've heard that you can bake flaxseed in bread and use in salads, etc. (I've actually never had it though). Such a cute picture...your boys are just so handsome!

  20. How cute is that new "not me" button!?!

    Well, I sure hope everyone is feeling 100% soon! That pic is awesome...what beautiful smiles on those little men. All of their names are so great, too!


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