Monday, August 10, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


Last week was NOT a SUPER busy week at our house! We did NOT do a ton of different things all week, and I am NOT SUPER exhausted from all the stuff that we did NOT do!

{We did NOT go on a last minute mini-vacation to the beach. We did NOT attend Open House at Henry's new school and meet his new teacher. We did NOT take Henry to his first day of Kindergarten. We did NOT go to three birthday parties on Saturday. We did NOT have a busy Sunday at church followed by lunch, shopping, dessert and the cleaning the house! I am NOT exhausted just thinking about the week we had last week!}

While we were on our mini vacation, I did NOT eat a ton of junk food, fried food, ice cream, and treats! I always eat healthy food....especially when I am on vacation. When we got home from vacation, I did NOT continue to eat unhealthy food for the whole week. I did NOT finish off another jar of Nutella and a few various things of candy that had been sitting around the house for a while!

While we were on vacation, I did NOT let the boys take a 'break' from bathtime. I did NOT just let them going to the pool count as taking a bath for two of the three nights that we were gone!

I did NOT change a billion dirty diapers this past week. Eli was NOT on antibiotics for an ear infection...and those antibiotics did NOT give him horrible diarrhea, which means I did NOT have to change his little hiney every hour of every day for the past week! And if I did have to change that many diapers, I would NEVER complain that all my child ever seems to do is POOP!

I am NOT just a little {more} sad than I thought I would be about Henry starting Kindergarten! We have NOT been so ready for him to start school, and now I am NOT just a little worried about how well he is adjusting!


  1. Very nice Not Me. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I understand completely about the kindergarten...I thought I was okay...until I was back in the car...then BAM!!!!!!! how did this happen? I still want to try that Nutella..but if it's THAT addicting, maybe I shouldn't ?? :)

  3. Poor little guy! Ear infections are no fun! I hope Henry is getting used to kindergarten!

  4. Hmmm...I've never counted pool time as bath time, either. Not me!

  5. I'm so with you on the Kindergarten stuff. My Buddy will be starting Kindergarten on Sept. 8th and I'm a basketcase. I also Not Me'd about it on my own blog. Drop by and let me know when it gets easier, okay? Right now I'm at the point of freaking out just thinking about it.

  6. Phew! I'm "not" exhausted just listening to your week!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Well, I certainly have not been eating entirely too much junk either, and my kids never miss a bath! I (seriously) haven't been that bothered about Jacob going to school, but he seems to be having a hard time adjusting too-some acting out, crying over nothing, etc, at home. I just hope he does ok today! Paul dropped him off this morning and I was a bundle of nerves-will he be able to find his class? Will he remember who his teacher is? Will he curl up in a corner and cry all day till I come pick him up?? Ok, maybe that's going a bit far, but really, I worried!! He's just so little. :(

  8. I have not been on a junk food binge this week either. What is up with that?! All I have been doing is snacking...and going to Target! LOL. I have never skipped baths (remember?) and my kids never get ear infections. Never...Have a great day!

  9. I bet he'd adjusting just fine to Kinder. Don't worry Mom!

    And I did NOT allow my boys to swim on Saturday night and call it a bath either.

  10. I'm glad to hear your a little concerned about how Henry is adjusting! I'm worried about that with Jack and everyone else seems so confident about their own child that I was beginning to think I was the only one!
    And whew! You have been busy...I need a nap just reading it! ;)

  11. I hope he's enjoying kindergarten! I'm so worried about my son starting Pre-K next month! It sounds like the mini beach vacation was a lot of fun! As for the dirty diapers, I feel your pain! My daughter has had chronic diarrhea for 8 months, and I am so sick of it!

  12. Waaaa...kindergarten! He will love it and he will grow up...against our wishes! It's always harder on the moms I think! Hope Eli is feeling better, poor hiney :(

    And I don't remember the kids taking very many showers when we were in Florida! They were always in the water otherwise! :)

  13. You are so welcome for the little tips and tricks! Hope they get put to good use all over the blogosphere. =0)


  14. Great Not Me's. I'm sure your little guy will do GREAT in Kindergarten. It's hard letting go, huh? They grow up tooooo fast!

    I did my "Not Me's" today, too. =0)

    Stop on by if you get the chance.


  15. My biggest girls starts school next week and I don;t know how I'll cope. It's a big step, a big change in our lives. eek. She's more ready than me!
    Sounds like your busy week was so much fun though, bet you need a week off to recover now!

  16. Wow that is a busy week. And I think we have all skipped baths for the kiddos when they have been in the pool. I know I have. LOL! I hope you and Henry both get adjusted to the new routine soon.

  17. Your Not Me post was too funny! LOL about the pool!!!

    You were a busy lady on Sunday!! I'd be wiped out!

  18. I DId Not get exhausted reading all you Did Not do.

  19. Kelli,
    This was a great Not Me post. You did Not do very much last week at all. And certainly the pool is Not a bathtub. Or is it? Always seemed like it worked for my kids! LOL I love it!

  20. Wow you were really busy! Exciting that your little one is starting school. For him...probably not for you! You can use your not me post to tell us how you didn't cry!!! :) (that will be me)
    I am so with you on the pool thing! I tried to do that yesterday but then my mom gave her ice cream and she got all sticky so she HAD to have a bath!

  21. I hate how badly I eat when on vacation. Good thing we only go every other year:) I have to say after 15 straight days of eating out...I wanted to eat at home. Never thought I would say those words. lOL
    I have never counted the pool as a bath either:)

  22. Glad you had fun, sorry about the diarreah and your baby! Yuck :( Happy Monday :)

  23. Nutella's healthy, right?? It's almost like eating an apple! =)

  24. Whaddya mean? Pool dips aren't supposed to count as baths? :)
    Thanks for stopping by!


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