Thursday, October 22, 2009

Veggie Soup!

Alicia over at More Than Words shared a SUPER yummy recipe for vegetable soup the other day! I had already been craving soup because we have been having some {wonderful} fall weather, but after seeing her yummy recipe I decided I had to make a big pot of veggie soup!

This is not really a 'recipe', I just throw whatever I have at home {this is my typical list of ingredients} into the pot and call it SOUP. I'm sure you could add or take away any veggies that you like or don't like and it would still be SUPER yummy!


3/4 pound of ground hamburger, browned
one can of whole kernel corn
one can of green beans
one can of whole tomatoes
one can of tomato sauce
3 or 4 potatoes peeled and cut into 1 in. cubes
handful of baby carrots
one cup of water
season with salt and pepper to taste

Add all the ingredients{before adding the whole tomatoes squish them up with your hands} into a big pot and give them a stir. Cook on medium until all the veggies {I always check the potatoes because they take the longest} are tender. Serve with crackers or some warm cornbread. YUM!



  1. I'm so glad to hear you say you just "throw it all in" haha! I was looking yesterday for the recipe for vegetable soup too! But I couldn't find it {because my house is so organized!} and I am really craving it too with this cooler weather! Guess I can just throw some things together and see what happens...I always have to have a recipe to go by! BUt yours looks absolutely delicious! YUMMY! THanks for sharing!

  2. All this soup is making me hungry!!! That looks delish!

  3. That is exactly the way I make veggie soup. YUM!

  4. One of my favorite things about fall/winter is that it's always the perfect time to make homemade soup! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  5. This looks great...I am going to do this...if it cools off here again :)

  6. Today is a perfect fall 'soup day' Yummy!! Can you send some over??

  7. Sounds good to me and it looks so good. It is getting chilly again here, so soup is exactly what I need.

  8. Hmm...I'm not really a soup person...I did make Chili the other day when it was actually cool here, because Ellyn from Profoundly Seth mentioned it and I couldn't get it out of my mind!! Yum.

  9. That looks great! Do you think you could Fedx some to me here in Jackson. LOL!
    I love Fall! But I also love making soups and stews or anything i can put in a crock pot.

  10. I am SO gonna try this! I love me some veggie soup!! :)

  11. Mmmmm...wish I was a neighbor right about now!

  12. I just made my "hamburger" veggie soup last weekend. I make it pretty much the same way! Yumm :)

  13. OK seriously, I've been looking all weekend for a veggie soup recipe! Totally the same way my grandma ma! it with hamburger and all! (And for some reason I don't have her recipe?!) Thanks for sharing. :)


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