Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


I did NOT finish off an entire carton of SUPER yummy Blue Bell ice cream by myself while Jason was out of town last week! I did NOT wait until the kiddos were asleep each night so that I didn't have to share my yummy ice cream! I would NEVER do that....because I always share my sweets and desserts with my oh so calm {sugar NEVER effects them} children!

I did NOT use my tshirt as a napkin while working on some Christmas crafts. I did NOT wipe SUPER sticky and hard to get out Mod Podge on my shirt simply because I didn't want to get up and walk to the kitchen to get a napkin. I would NEVER ruin a perfectly good {but kind of ugly} tshirt just because I was lazy!

I am NOT going on a {much needed} mini-vacation with my hubby today! We are NOT going to have dinner and maybe see a movie by ourselves for the first time in months! I am NOT really excited about getting a little bit of alone time without at least one kiddo tagging along {Who knew it would be so hard to talk my parents into watching three kids at once...before Eli, they watched the older two together all the time}, and possibly getting to sleep past 7 am.


  1. Enjoy your time with Jason cause you deserve it!!

  2. Oh, I can so sympathize the "it's hard to get a sitter for 3 children" statement.

    What's up with that?! lol

  3. What? We're supposed to share the ice cream with our kiddos? Oh. Interesting.

    I do not have a stack of "night" shirts that I have used as paper towels when I was to lazy to get up and fetch one from the kitchen.

    Have fun on your mini-vacation! I'm sure you'll talk about the kids the whole time, but enjoy your time away!

  4. Cute 'Not Me's!' I would never do what you did with the ice cream. Who would wait till their kids are in bed, to not have to share?! Not me! :)

  5. I can relate with the shirt as a napkin issue. And I am NOT at all excited that you aren't going anywhere with you hubby. Have a great time (not).

  6. I can relate to ALL those things, even the husband being out of town last week...Heehee!

    Have fun being kid free!!

  7. You forgot something... I did not let my baby eat a pair of my sister's earrings. I would never let my baby walk around with them in your mouth.

  8. Enjoy your alone time. I got just a few hours on Friday night with my hubs. It was nice.

  9. So fun! Glad you will get some much needed time out tonight! and somehow I always get caught eating some kind of treat when the kids are supposed to be in bed! haha! Alex told me once he can't wait to be a grown-up so he can eat after bed time! ;)
    Can't wait to see your project worth using your shirt as a napkin, haha! {I do that all the time, too! Wonder why my kids do that!}

  10. I DID NOT wipe modge podge on my shirt this summer...thinking it will just wash out. Guess didn't wash out!! ARGH!!

  11. have fun with your hubby!!
    we all deserve time to ourselves--KID FREE!!!!!

  12. OH wow! I can sympathize about the ice cream!!! ;)

  13. LOL, Kelli, you sound like me!! Hahaha

  14. Sweet for your date!!!! I totally know what you mean about getting someone to watch all three at one's nearly impossible!
    And banana split is my fave blue bell flavor!

  15. Enjoy your "mini-date"... I'm with you, it's been months since my DH & I have had any child-free time. I think I'll live vicariously through your date!


  16. I hope your mini-vacay was wonderful!
    Isn't Blue Bell the best????? :)

  17. I gave you an award because I think you're Kreativ.

  18. i totally eat ice cream after my kids go to bed!! love to hear someone else does too!

  19. Love reading your blog. I too am a Kelli with an "i".

    Just wondered where you got your fonts for your blog and how you applied them. I'd love a responce if you get a chance. =)

    Thanks for sharing your kiddos and your family with us.


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