Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have been in a craft slump lately.
Even with a new crafty toy {which I will post about next week}, I am still feeling SUPER uncrafty lately. I have few things floating around in my head, but no real plan to get them going! I think I just need a little inspiration and a lot of motivation!
I want to sew and paint and make fun crafts...but I just can't gather my craftiness together enough to actually DO anything!

I took this picture a few weeks ago when we were in downtown Mobile.

I really liked the starburst on the side of the building. I love how something so small can make something as big as this building seem special. I wish I could find that thing in my life...the small starburst that sets me apart and makes me special.

I have been looking at this picture the past week or so, trying to be inspired by it. It has helped a little, but I need to find some bigger crafty inspiration out there. Any suggestions?!?

Where do you find inspiration for the things you love to do?


  1. I love looking at the buildings when we're downtown...or even in our own small's supposed to be known for it's architecture.

    I find lots of inspiration from my new bloggy buddies :) But like you...sometimes I find it unexpectedly {like in the building} sometimes when I'm not looking for it {like my little chalkboard...I've that thing for so long...and didn't even think of displaying it!} I'm sure you will find that boost when the time is right!

  2. I find it in things I how I LOVE Valentine's Day, so I'm looking for fun things to do for that. Or how I love celebrating people's birthdays. Or pick something new you've always wanted to do! I also check my favorite this one.

  3. I too wish I could find that certain something in my life. I want to do so many things, and then just getting started I feel overwhelmed. HA! Anyway, I love this post...your makin' me think today ;)

  4. I am so not a crafty person but I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I always enjoy your projects. That is a cool building. It's neat when they have little details to differentiate them from all the other non-detailed buildings!

  5. I have hit that slump too!! There are so many things I want to make right now and so little time, I just don't know where to start somedays!! The only thing that really motivated me recently has been Project Runway. (sure its a little trashy reality tv but it gets me moving). Its on lifetime, they also have it online on their website.

  6. I can help but feel somewhat responsible for this...I was the one giving you the crafy big head saying YOU were my crafty inspiration NOW look I have jinxed you!!
    it will come back...I just know it!

  7. Girl you really do not need any inspiration all of your arts and crafts are always so creative and perfect. YOu are good at what you do. Google crafts and pick one:) Cause I know you can create anything you set your mind too. I know I am jealous:)

  8. LOL, I'm the most uncrafty. I just copy other peoples

    I'm sure you will come up with something soon!

  9. My crafty inspiration usually comes from Tucker - wanting to make something for her or her room or her scrapbook. But sometimes I just am walking through a store and see something that costs WAY too much and think, "I could TOTALLY do that!" So I get the stuff and try it. I've bombed a few times, but I've come up with some great things for my house, for presents, and a couple of things to sell - just through trying something I saw. :)

    The best thing for getting your crafty on? Stop stressing about getting your crafty on. It'll come. :)

  10. It'll come back to ya. I have to believe that because all my craftiness has taken a vacation too. But I know it'll return. I want to have time, I just don't right now.

  11. Love the starbursts. I get a lot of my crafty ideas from fellow bloggers. These are a couple of my favorites:

  12. Oh girl- you are fabulously crafty! Give it time, it'll come back. And I am no help whatsoever in aiding that comeback. Sorry.

  13. I have not one crafty bone in me so I'm no help. Your very crafty so it will come to you. I have an award for you over at my blog :)


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