Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to Explor(eum)

This past Saturday, it was just too cold to do anything outside. So Jason and I decided to load up the boys and take a trip to a local children's museum/science center.

We met my mom and sister for lunch, and then we all headed to the Exploreum. The boys had a great time checking out all the exhibits, playing in the ball pit area, and watching an IMAX movie about dinosaurs.

Henry and Grant even played a game of Tug of War with Jason and Eli. Can you guess who won?!? You might be surprised!

After a day of fun at the Exploreum, we headed down the beautiful streets of downtown Mobile... ...back to our car...
....and then home to a big bowl of veggie soup for dinner!


  1. Looks like fun! I'm guessing Eli won the tug of war.

  2. Looks like a really fun outing!

  3. looks like fun! I bet tough man Eli won!! haha! size doesn't always matter does it!

  4. That looks really fun!!! I wanna go play in the ball pit...PLEASE!

  5. So fun! We love going to the museum! and we had veggie soup over the weekend! Looks like such a great time! Cute pictures...as always :)

  6. What a fun place. I wish we had something like that around us. SM would love that place.

  7. What a great day! We've never been there...is it expensive?

  8. We went to Atlanta's children's museum this Saturday too. Your museum looks like a lot more fun than ours though. I bet Jason and Eli won...I know that Charlie is ridiculously strong. He's like my little sumo wrestler.

  9. That looks like a fun outting! I need to look for a fun museum like that here in the Dallas area.

    I love all the pics, but my favorite is the last one!

  10. What a blast. I wish we had a play zone closer to our tow. We will have to stick with Jumpmania an hour and half away. We get to go each month when I go to my doctor appointments. The ball pit looks like a huge ocean. Great photos.
    Have a fabulous day.

  11. Fun day! Henry and Grant sure are strong! : )

  12. How fun! And I love how the boys are matching!!! Sounds like a fun day!

  13. that looks like a great family day!! and i love how it was too cold to play outside but no one is wearing a jacket. :0) in wisconsin we'd be playing outside and declaring a heatwave in january. lol. i love the picture of the three boys together.

  14. I really need to take my boys there, we've never been. It looks like lots of fun!

  15. Looks like everyone had a wonderful day. I just had veggie soup the other day it was so delicious!


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