Thursday, January 7, 2010

Who Wants a Snack?

Just a little note:
Yesterday's post was a secret giveaway...
and Tina was the winner.
She was the first one to guess that the thing Grant was dusting with was a BBQ mop for the grill. I will be sending Tina a fun happy in the mail soon.
This is just my way of thanking my regular readers and commenters! I am going to throw in a few giveaways over the next few weeks...but next time I will at least give you a hint that their is a prize up for grabs:)
Now, who wants a snack?!?
Henry {at 15 months} eating a banana.
Grant {at 15 months} eating a tortilla with refried beans.
Eli {at 15 months} eating a piece of cheese.
What are some of your kiddos favorite things to eat?


  1. My kiddos will eat anything. They are addicted to Frozen Go-Gurt. The yogurt in the tube. I recently switched to the Organic stuff tho ;)

    Love the pics!!! Tooo cute!

  2. How fun are you and your sneaky little giveaway! I love the flashback pictures. My kids love Cheez its, string cheese, and yogurt.

  3. Cool idea having a sneaky giveaway! :) My Tucker Man is lovin' string cheese these days, and Perri likes lots of different snacky things, none of them healthy. :( Unfortunately my kids aren't big on fruit or most veggies, just like their father. It seems that the older they get, the worse it gets. I'm learning to be sneaky with healthier eating though. ;)

  4. Jakob is the pickiest of picky eaters but he does love pizza! Of course.

  5. My kids all like different snacks...everyone except Syd really loves fruit, but I think they'd all prefer junk! I try to keep yogurt and string cheese around too, and the fruit smoothie drinks as alternatives. I can get the younger ones to eat better snacks simply by not giving them a choice!! :) I LOVE your new button, BTW! I need to grab it.

  6. They are so cute! Emily eats better than Alex...she loves grapes and cheese and yogurt.
    Alex is always eating crackers and chips {of course so am I!} and Jello! You're so sneaky! What a great idea ;) I want to do a giveaway, but I haven't gotten around to it...that is so fun!

  7. Mine love cheese sticks {and they are yummy}
    you know I just remembered that I never tried Nutella...I should get some today
    yay for "happies"
    that is what we call them too :)

  8. Allie loves bananas and just about anything else I will give her. She's an eater!

  9. My 2 yr. old LOVES bananas. Seriously, if he sees them in the store he yells out "Banana!" and we have to buy some. And by that, I mean buy them right away so he can eat one in the store. ;)

    Hope you have a great day!!

  10. That's what it was!!! LOL

    Yay on the giveaways!

    My kids love to eat anything junk

  11. Would you believe I have gotten Tommy to forget all about a cake by offering him an orange?! My boys love anything fruit!! (especially oranges or bananas!!)

  12. What a sneaky giveaway. But that is a great way to reward the faithful readers who comment. Don't you often wonder who is reading this blog but not commenting?
    Trey will join Eli with cheese. He is always sneaking a piece of string cheese out of the fridge. He also loves fruit snacks.
    Have a fabulous day!

  13. These are too cute! I love that you have pictures of all of them at 15 months eating. :)
    Have a great week!


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