Saturday, February 6, 2010

Baking FAIL

Things started out so promising.
I mean, mixing cookies and just can't wrong there!
They looked so cute before I put them in the oven.
And they looked pretty good coming out of the oven too.
That is until I tried to take them off the pan!
This was my first {and last} attempt at making Stained Glass cookies!
I did end up with some SUPER cute and oh so yummy Valentine's cookies {without the stained glass center} that I will post about next week:)


  1. Great minds think alike! :) This is what I did Thursday too. We had a homeschool Valentine party friday so we made heart shaped cookies also with the same cookie cutters. I will have to post some pics this week also. I used a new icing recipe and it worked great. I have never tried the stain glass cookies.

  2. Bless your heart. I feel your pain as I am not a baker. Give me a main dish and we will have no problems but cookies are another story. I leave all the hard baking to my mom.
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. YOu have broken hearts. lOL They do look pretty. That is a bummer...what do you think happened?

  4. Hmmm...what do you think happened? They were really cute!

  5. I wonder what made them stick? They look really cute though.

  6. OH darn...they looked so cute! Could you still eat any of it? I would've eaten what I could have gotten unstuck, haha!

  7. Awww man. They looked so cute. Bummer.

  8. HaHa well they did look good beforehand :)

  9. Oh that stinks. They looked great and yummy! Wonder what happened?

  10. Oh bummers! But, did you get to eat them? LOL

  11. Oh man, I hate that. But they looked gorgeous. And I'll bet they tasted good too. I don't know I'd call it a fail :)

  12. They are so you know what went wrong?

  13. That is too bad those were cute.


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