Monday, March 8, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This has NOT been a tought week for Eli. He has NOT been {almost} hurt more than a few times this week. More than one of those times was NOT my fault! I did NOT almost knock him unconscious with the refrigerator door! It did NOT go a little like this:

Me: "Eli, let's get your juice cup."

Eli: "Jooo"


I did NOT have an almost half hour battle with Henry over 7 butter beans! He did NOT refuse to eat them, and I did NOT refuse to let him get up from the table without at least trying to eat them. My children are always compliant and never refuse to eat yummy and healthy vegetables!

I did NOT decided to buy some cute Easter candy to try and fill my cookie jar up. I did NOT buy two bags of M&M's thinking that should be plenty for decorations and to snack on too. I did NOT realize that it is going to take way more than two bags to fill up my {apparently much larger than I thought it was} cookie jar!

I did NOT get a new lens for my camera this week! I am NOT SUPER excited about it, but that does NOT mean that I need a new camera bag to hold all my stuff! I have NOT found two bags HERE and HERE that I really like. Now I DON'T just have to talk myself into picking just one and buying it!


  1. Ooh what lens did you get (I hope I haven't asked this already). Those bags are so cute and you must have one.

  2. ha ha! oh the joys of being mama! i love easter candy. and have already eaten way to much of it. easter needs to get here so the candy will go away!

  3. I ♥ those camera bags. Dern it (my budget is screaming that) !! I was just thinking to myself I need a cute camera bag to carry on my upcoming San Jose trip. I hope they have super speedy shipping...HA!

    I threw away a ton of candy yesterday. I was like a mad momma sneaking around tossing all those cavity causers..heehee! Right in time for Easter and more candy. oh well.

    Have a great week girl!!

  4. the cookie jar is so funny. I wouldn't have know how many mms to buy either! :)

  5. I love the M&Ms in the jar, they look so pretty...those are Dan's weakness...the jar would be empty in no time! I love the camera bags, SO cute! that would be a great Mother's Day gift...hmmm...might have to email that to Dan, haha!
    Poor Eli...I've knocked Emily out a few times...she's just so little, I don't see her sometimes! But I bet Eli is a tough little guy! Hope he's okay :) Have a great Monday!

  6. Poor Eli! What are butter beans? They sound good, but they're beans. So how good are they really?

    Have fun shopping for your new camera bag!

  7. What kind of lens did you get? I hate when I hurt my kid-but I JUST knocked Evan out with the remote control-oops!

  8. Okay, I'm seriously laughing. Hard. And my girlies are still sleeping, so I hope I haven't woken them up. Poor little Eli! That sounds EXACTLY like something that I would do. And the M&M jar is hilarious! Isn't it funny how you always need so much more than you think? Lastly, I am going to need a full report on the lens you chose {and the new camera bags!} Thanks for making me want a new camera bag! I was {almost} content with the little one I have. Sigh.

  9. It is amazing how much jars like that can hold. I have underestimated things like that many, many times!

    Congrats on your new lens!!

  10. I wanna know what lens you got!!! spill it lady!! :)

  11. Thank goodness you didn't knock that poor baby out. I am thinking you need about 10 more bags. What lens?
    I like the colorful bag...super cute.

  12. Oh, poor Eli! It's so sad when those things happen...I've almost done that to Charlie too. Bless their poor little hearts, they just don't know how to move out of the way yet.
    And those bags are really cute!

  13. HA! Poor Eli! Don't you love it when you do that? Or you bend over and don't see the kid running up behind you, thus knocking him onto his butt with your butt? ;-)

    Have a Monday!

  14. I tell ya I have done that to Allie and Caleb too :) Makes me feel horrible!!!!

    We can't keep M&M's in our house-they somehow disappear as soon as I open a bag!

  15. Poor little dude! I say buy 5-6 bags, then when the jar goes down it doesn't feel so sad, and near empty!!

  16. I love the MnM post! That doesn't even look like 2 bags! I just found your blog and love it! I'm now a follower:)


  17. Aren't we thankful for tough little boys!
    I think my favorite Easter candy is the Starburst jelly beans. Let me just say I can eat them by the bag full.
    Have a great Monday!

  18. Aww!! Poor baby!!! I can just picture that scenario!!

    And yes, my need about five more M&M bags to fill that puppy up!


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