Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is What Happens...

...when you give Eli a snack
and a craft
at the same time!
P.S. Check our my SUPER cool new menu bar at the top! I am really excited that I figured it out all by myself with the help of Jill aka Sneaky Momma and TheGirlCreative! It was pretty easy to do, so if you want to add one to your blog go check these ladies out:)
Also, I am being featured on Tip Junkie today! YAY!


  1. Hahahaha! and yuck all at the same time. :)

  2. So funny! I'm sure it tasted better too :)
    Great job on the menu bar! I've been able to figure lots of things out from that Sneaky Mama...she's great!

  3. lol. too cute.

    i LOVE the pictures of the park. it makes me so excited to go to the park here!!

    and isn't jill so great at helping out! she helped me out by giving me the info for the menu bar too, for helping with a different blog. but i've been debating doing that on mine too! i'll have to check out the girl creative too!!

  4. so cute! crayoning on a cracker never hurt! ha ha!!! great job on the menu bar! it looks perfect!

  5. LOL....maybe he'll move on to cake decorating next :)

    And I love the menu bar!!

  6. That looks soo crunch-alicious!!! Ha! Totally what would happen here also ;)

  7. Great job on the menu bar! I still can't figure out how to center mine underneath my header with my new layout. Ugh.

    And drawing on your food- isn't that what you're supposed to do? :)

  8. I don't peanut butter and crackers have ever looked so good. lol
    I do like the menu bar, very user friendly.
    Have a fabulous day!

  9. LOL!! That is too funny!!

    And love the tab bar up top!

  10. that's hilarious! i have one just like that.

    just wait until he can drive. . . :)


  11. I love it. Maybe the crayon made it taste better. LOL Good job with the tab bar.

  12. Hahaha...looks like something my 2 year old would conjure up. :) Thanks for stopping by to enter my Giveaway today. Hope you'll come visit again soon. :)

  13. haha! I did that and Charlie tried to color his face. ;)

  14. Your boys always bring a smile to my face. To funny. Wonder if that snack tasted any different with crayon? He just might be on to something. ;-)

  15. Oh my stars, I never would have thought of that - isnt it amazing seeing the world and all its possibilities through a childs eyes?!?! So cute!

  16. Hilarious! I bet it tasted better w/ the extra colors :) Found you on New Friend Friday!

  17. You did a really good job! Thanks so much for the linky love! :)

  18. Too too funny! i have never had a boy color a cracker!

  19. Duh. The cracker was boring by itself. It needed a little something extra.


  20. That is so funny! It definitely sounds like something my daughter would do!


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