Monday, April 12, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did NOT super glue the snaps on one of Eli's outfits this week. I was NOT getting aggravated that every time he bent over, the suit came unsnapped. I did NOT decide that it was better to have a a suit that wouldn't unsnap at the crotch, than to not have a suit at all....especially because it is SUPER cute!
Eli's SUPER glued suitAfter I borrowed Jason's super glue to fix Eli's outfit, I did NOT accidentally put the bottle of glue in the drawer without closing the lid tightly. I did NOT figure this out when Jason went to get the grill lighter out of the same drawer, and it was stuck to the bottom of the drawer! There was NOT superglue all over a bunch of Jason's stuff, because it was NOT his junk drawer that the super glue spilled in.

I did NOT bake almost 60 cupcakes last week for Henry's birthday. Jason and I did NOT stay up until almost 11 o'clock decorating those cupcakes to look like campfires so I could take them to Henry's class on Friday. I {really} do NOT think I will be making cupcakes again anytime soon:) I will NOT be posting picture of the SUPER cute campfire cupcakes and the rest of Henry's Camp Out birthday party tomorrow though!

I am NOT going to be gone all day today. I am NOT going on a SUPER fun stinky, smelly, & hot field trip with Henry to a farm. That does NOT mean that my house and my blog are going to be ignored yet again today! Oh well, maybe I will NOT be able to catch up tomorrow.


  1. :) the whole junk drawer thing made me laugh!

  2. you should be proud of those campfire cupcakes! they sound adorable. i don't see why super glue can't be the new duct tape.

  3. Oh that stinks! Cannot wait to see the cupcakes. Hope your weekend was great:)

  4. Oh no on the super glue! Oops! haha! But so funny you glued Eli's snaps together, LOL! Can't wait to see the cupcakes! You are a good mom! I did the same with Emily's first birdthday cake...made it completely from scratch...never again! It took me forever! haha! Happy Monday!

  5. The fun times with super glue...that is so funny. I can't wait to see Henry's party and the cupcakes. Have fun today and hold your nose :)

  6. I HATE super glue...while it IS handy, it is so freakin' messy!! ugh

    can't wait to see/hear all about the party!

  7. i hate trying to use super glue. but great thinking on your part!! and i can't wait to see the cupcakes and the pictures from the party. have fun on the field trip!!

  8. Oh, can't wait to see the cupcakes and birthday pictures!

    Hubby didn't really need the stuff in that drawer anyway, right? Hahhaha

  9. That outfit is super cute and totally worth not having the crotch unsnap.

    I hate superglue. I always manage to have one calamity or another with it.

  10. Wow, girl, that's a lot of cupcakes! I don't forget to put the caps on glue bottles either ;)

  11. The hazards of super glue...ugh! Hope you enjoyed your smelly...I mean fun field trip! Enjoy!

  12. That is too funny that you super glued everything in the junk drawer!!

    SMART to glue the snaps though. I wish i would have thought of that a few months ago with a super cute pair of overalls for Isabella!

  13. Hi, i'm mathilde from France.
    As you i have 3 boys Titouan 6 Gabin 4 1/2 and Emile 1 1/2.
    i like all what you do for your child ...

  14. I've so done that with the superglue before. Oops! Can't wait to see the super cute cupcakes! Happy Birthday Henry! :)

  15. Can't wait to see the cupcakes. I so would have superglued the snaps too...
    Hope you had a fun time on the field trip.


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