Thursday, May 6, 2010

Every Child is an Artist

My breakfast room table turned into the boys' art studio yesterday. While I was working on a project for Henry's class, they got out the paper, glue, scissors, crayons, and markers.
And started creating.
If you look closely there is a smiley face on this paper.
And Henry was so proud of the way he shaded this paper by rubbing a crayon on it.
Henry's masterpiece.
It is a man with a bamboo fishing pole who just caught a HUGE catfish:)
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso


  1. Too cute. I love that the catfish is so huge. Adorable. I love it when my kids create. They can make so many great things when given just scraps. HOw fun.

  2. What fun! My girls love creating on our dining room table. I love that man with a fish! :)

  3. Looks like my table. Jamison is always creating, coloring, cutting, gluing something. I love it!

  4. That is one awesome masterpiece. I'm impressed for sure!!

  5. Wonderful - kids really are wonderful in their creativity...

  6. That is so cute and creative!! Love it!

  7. I know I love the fact of how creative you are. You know what I love even share the passion with your boys! Too cool!

  8. will you be MY mommie?!

    how fun & so sweet :)

  9. So true!!!

    I added you to my sidebar (I hope that was okay.) I just love your blog!

  10. Great projects! Isn't it so hard to not keep every single thing they creat. My living room has a wall that they can tape anything they want to it. It makes my living room look a little well messy sometimes but ehhhh oh well. :)

  11. that little fishing pole creation TOATLLY made me smile! I just popped over from Mimis & I am sure I will be back often!! Thanks!

  12. Wow...that's a fabulous quote...and fabulous artwork!

  13. how adorable!!! kids really are super creative if you let them create!

  14. I love the fishing man...that is GREAT! Emily is my little artist...and Alex does a great job, but he tries too hard {like me...perfectionist!} So cute! I love when they create...but not so much the cleaning up! ;)

  15. They did a great job!

  16. What a great job! I am your newest follower from New Friend Friday!


  17. Hi! I'm visiting from New Friend Friday! I also have 3 man-children. I LOVE the candy sushi idea. I think we'll have to study Japan so we can make it. :)

  18. I love when my table looks like this - nothing better than crayons and paper and creativity.


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