Monday, May 10, 2010

Not My Kitchen! Monday

After a SUPER long and SUPER busy weekend, there is NO way that my kitchen looks like this:

Well, maybe it does!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who wakes up to a disaster area of a kitchen on Monday mornings!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. No, you are not the only one. It doesn't matter how hard I try to tame the girls school papers, activities, crafts, etc, etc, etc you can find all of them plus more on our counters Monday morning, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and well you get the picture:)

  2. my whole entire house is a disaster area!!! : ) you are doing good if it's only in the kitchen. ha ha!

  3. Why are Sundays like that? I always thing I'm going to have a fresh house on Monday but that's never the case. Happy Monday!!!

  4. Love to see your a mom keeping it real. I won't take pics. of my counters.... but I will say I have a stuffed bag on the counter from gma's and gpa's yesterday... bottles, towels, clothes, bathing suits, flip flops... and dirty dishes, and dish cloths... to name a few...

    THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT. It still isn't letting me upload pics. It says I have reached my quota... whateves... Its very frustrating.. I hope it gets resolved soon, and I am not the only one... because that really worries me. Have a good one. Jenn

  5. Mondays are a MESS at my place. Rob and the girls leave and I have to do major damage control from just trying to keep up after everyone all weekend. So, no, you're not alone.

  6. I hate when my counter looks like that! But it does happen!

  7. Nope, you're not the only one. Unfortunately. I kinda wish you were though. Sorry.

  8. Thanks. It's a relief to know other Moms have the clutter problem too.

    I'm new - I found you while browsing through blog land. Love your blog.

  9. Umm, yeah. I always think I'll give myself an easy day and it makes the next day not so fun. Plus, it inevitably invites people to drop by and view the carnage.

  10. LOL, I think Monday's are just "blah" all around!!

  11. Oh, you are so not alone. Mine looks like a tornado went through it. ugh.

  12. Don't feel like the lone ranger girlie! It happens to me too, and I go nuts trying to get 'em cleaned off.

    Some days I just leave the room, if I can't see it, it ain't dirty!

  13. kitchen is like that ALL THE TIME! We have this fabulous island that I love, but it's right in the middle and just so convenient no matter which door you're coming's like a stuff magnet!

  14. That is just on a monday? Girl you are doin good!!! Welcome to my world! This is EVERY DAY life for matter how much I clean, I leave the room and come back ten minutes later and I swear it looks like a hurricane came thru.

  15. Oh, good. I'm not the only one whose kitchen looks like that right now. ;) Thanks so much for the visit. :)

  16. ~smile~ I think that is called something! Glad to see your are living. ;-)

  17. My house was a disaster after yesterday...I was freaking out. My OCD was in full swing. hubs sent me to the store. LOL
    Good luck with the clean up.
    New Ipod? How fun.

  18. Should I be embarrassed that my entire house looks like this???

  19. you are most certainly not!! but I am anal and have started before bed on Sunday night to clean it all up, no matter what so I don't have to be faced with THAT on Monday am!!

    Silly bands are ALL OVER MY HOUSE and I am even wearing fangs and a heart today :) hehe

  20. That's why I'm always extra happy to see my part-time maid on Monday mornings!

  21. You are not the only one! In fact, our kitchen looks like that regularly these days, I'm sorry to say.

  22. if only your kitchen looks like that...i'd say you're doing great. my HOUSE looks like that lately. :0)

  23. Yes...if only it was my kitchen and not the rest of the house too! But aren't you glad you're not the only one! It all looks like fun stuff! I was so happy to have all of Emily's Barbie things picked up...but they're all out again :) ...sigh...

  24. that's keeping it real! My kitchen looks like that 24/7 well, not the diaper bag. :)

  25. hehe well it was Mother's Day:)

  26. I wake up to a disaster area of a house...

    I love how you labeled the photos - made me smile...

  27. Me too! Me too! I feel like my whole house looks like that on Monday!

  28. Oh dear, been there, done that! ;-)

  29. Mine looked very similar to that yesterday morning too. I don't know why it drives me so crazy when I live in chaos but it does. I got it cleaned up although it doesn't stay that way for long!


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