Friday, June 11, 2010


Today is going to be a day of rambling...mainly because I don't have any projects to share:) So, here I go!

Can someone please explain to me why my kiddos have been up by 6:30 every morning since summer started. During the school year I was dragging them out of the bed at 6:30 all groggy and sleepy-eyed. Now they come bouncing down the stairs intent on waking me up! Seriously boys, it's summer...we can at least sleep until 7:00!!

Henry got his cast taken off yesterday. He has to wear a removable brace for the next two weeks, but that means he can swim and take a REAL bath! Thank goodness. Boys are stinky enough as it is...but add a cast to their arm and you double the stink factor!

Eli has been getting some strange bumps lately. I can't tell what they are....maybe bug bites?!? But they are multiplying at night, which makes me feel bad because that means that some kind of weird bug may be attacking my poor baby during the night. That or it is mosquito bites from being outside in the evening that we don't notice until the morning.

My craft room {aka the dining room that is rarely used for dining} is a TOTAL mess! There are at least three of my projects spread out on the table, Jason has some tools and supplies piled up in there, and all my stuff for Vacation Bible School is sitting on the table too! It makes crafting very difficult when you can't even find the table to set up on:)

We went and picked fresh veggies the other day. Sadly, all the veggies are still sitting in the buckets that we brought them home in. I really need to get them out and clean them before they get all gross...but I seem to be going through a lazy phase lately!

Now, we are off to the walking track and the splash pad! Henry is SUPER excited about playing in the water...and I am hoping I have lost another pound or two after all the walking I have done this week.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with my ramblings, and don't forget to hop over to Mimi's and check out FREE 4 All Fridays today:) I hope you all have a great {random} weekend!


  1. I have a story that will get you to take care of your veggies. I left an orange in my desk for the last 10 days. Returning after surgery today, my office REAKED. The orange was almost completely moldy and green, and I can't get the smell out of my office. I want to cry.

    So, take care of those veggies!! ;-)

  2. You never bore me! My dining table is for crafting too, but we also eat on it so I always have to put my stuff away..grr! Yeah for Henry getting the cast off, what a relief I'm sure. I'm thinking mosquito bites because he's so sweet...I'm sure they're all over him. Have fun at the splash pad...we went yesterday. Happy Friday (and I hope the boys start sleeping in!).

  3. Aah...I bet it feels good to have his cast off and be able to go splash around! Yay!

    I had my house all picked up, it felt so good...but it lasted about a day :( 2 or 3 days worth of cleaning up makes me tired, and it takes less than a day to undo it all...then I don't feel like cleaning again for a long time! :)

    Poor Eli...I'm sure it's mosquito bites, but I hope he's's hard when they can't tell you!

    Have a great day! Emily's ballet recital is more baseball game for Alex..then we're getting ready for vacay next week! So much to do, never enough time :)

  4. My little one decided that her new wake up time is 6 - 6:30... uggghhh! My other two sleep till at least 8. I miss that!
    Poor Eli, I hope they don't bother him too much. So not fun being itchy! Are you sure they aren't Chicken Pox? Mmmm your veggies look yummy! Enjoy your fun day playing in the water :)

  5. love the ramblings. mainly because i do it all the time too, and it's fun to read others. i can't imagine a stinky boy cast. lol. i'm sure he's stoked to get it off and be able to get wet. i'm so thankful my kids like to sleep in lately...but their unborn little sister hasn't gotten that memo yet!! have a great weekend!

  6. Strange about Eli and the bumps. My friend Lindsey's baby had some weird bumps too, also showing at night, and we still haven't figured out what they are. Have you washed all his sheets, bumper pads, etc, on REALLY hot water?

  7. PS All those veggies look mighty tasty!!

  8. Oh yuck to the smelly arm/cast. I'll bet that took a power washing. LOL
    I love ramblings.
    I was wondering the same thing about sleeping in during school and early rising in the summer. Things that make you go hmmmm.

    The Free 4 All Friday giveaway is up now...come by for a chance to win a gift card.

  9. My kitchen table is an absolute disaster. I keep meaning to clean it, but so many little time!

  10. Of course I'm not bored! Nevah!!!

    Oh, and I can picture that odor from the cast!

  11. random rambling posts can sometimes be the best posts!! :) those veggies look amazing!! how fun to pick them fresh yourself! i love it.

  12. I hope you figure out what the bumps are. And rambling posts are great. Glad he got his cast off, that really can't be too much fun for an active boy! Have a great weekend:)

  13. I have never understood childrens' alarm clocks. My son's first words to me every school morning are, "5 more minutes, please." I guess i should be happy he is still polite in the morning. On the weekends, though, he is up at the crack of dawn wanting a full breakfast, cartoons, and chat time with me. I am not a morning person, so you can understand on Saturday mornings---my only time to sleep in a bit---I may be a bit cranky while flipping pancakes.

    Where did you get all those wonderful veggies?? They look so fresh and beautiful!!!

    I'm sorry about your bumpy little fella. I hope those nasty bugs leave him alone.

    And kudos on the rambling. As you can tell by my comment post two pages long right now, I fully appreciate a fellow rambler.

    Hope you guys had a wonderful time at the Splash pad--esp. your son Henry and his new found freedom. Hope you lost two pounds this week. You deserve it with all the walking you said you did!!! I'm trying to get inspired to walk...Keep up the good work!!!

    Have a fab weekend!!!

  14. i love rambling entries! makes me feel not so bad for doing it myself! lol
    mmmmmm..veggies ...and a WATERMELON! my fave. (luckily I live in the watermelon capital..home to the world's largest watermelon. Our Watermelon Festival is in August. we have such yummy ones here!)

    I bet Eli's bites are skeeter bites. My Matthew is so allergic to them. They get HUGE on him. His poor legs are scarred from years of bugbites. Looks like chicken pox scars. :(
    He doesn't care tho..he's a boy!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend girl! sorry I haven't been around much lately. Hopefully I can remedy that!

  15. MMMMMMM.....LOVE the veggies! I know what you mean about getting up early...except I pretty much always get up at 5:46...I don't like getting up late. I know. I'm so odd. Sleeping until 8 is an accomplishment for me. ;-)

    Fun post!

  16. I totally agree with you about the getting up early. Trey has never been a morning person but now that Lila is here here gets up super early, which I hate as I get her to sleep and then he wakes up. How this kills a sleep loving mom. I am so happy that Henry got his cast off, let the summer begin. Love the veggie find! Great rambling list.
    Have a fabulous day!

  17. That's a lot of veggies!
    I'm glad Henry got his cast off. I hope the kids start sleeping in for you!

  18. I would say mosquito bites or maybe he is allergic to dust mites. I know I was when I was a kid and I used to get rashes. I had to get special pillows, pillow cases and mattress pads that prevent the dust mite allergies.

  19. Oh girl I am so jealous of those veggies! They looks so good!! I'm so glad that Henry gets to splash and play now...I bet he is stoked!


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