Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Garden Flag

I found this really great fall plaid material on sale at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago. At the time, I wasn't sure what I would do with it, but I loved it too much to not pick up a few yards of it. After I finished my fall wreaths, I knew the next step in 'fallin' up' my front yard was to make a new garden flag....and this was just the right fabric for it.
{For more detailed instructions on how to make a garden flag click HERE.}
I started with a rectangular piece of material. I use an old flag as guide, then I cut the length twice as long and folded the material over so that both rights sides of the fabric are out. I sewed the around the top and two sides just to finish it off a little so the material didn't fray.
I used some coordinating ribbon and my hot glue gun to add a design to the front.
I applied the glue to the ribbon and the placed the ribbon on the material in the shape of a W.
I ended up doing a double width of ribbon because my ribbon was kind of thin, but if you use thick ribbon, one piece would be big enough.
After I had my decorations on, I used this great product to turn my fabric garden flag into vinyl. This is the first time I have use this Heat n Bond Vinyl, and I have to say it is amazing! I simply cut two pieces {one for the front and one for the back} and then ironed on the vinyl following the instructions on the package.
After I ironed on the vinyl, I sewed the top edge over about 2 inches to make the hanger for the flag.
Now my yard is ready for fall!



  1. Your flag turned out great! Your vision always amazes me...I'm really good at "borrowing" ideas and replicating them but seldom do I just have the vision to create something on my own! You're awesome!

  2. Kelli...I love it! I love all the crafts you've done, especially the wreaths too! You really never run out of creative ideas! I have not put as much effort into my fall decorating this year :( Really cute flag!

  3. So cool! I love your flags each season! And that fabric to vinyl stuff is awesome. I want some. I have no idea what I'd use it for, but it sounds so cool!!

  4. Cute! I can't believe your grass is already dormant.

  5. Great as always Kelli!

  6. That is really cute fabric and I love the way the flag turned out. Very festive :)

  7. So cute and I especially love the colors!! :)

  8. Very cute! Love the fabric!

  9. Kelli, I love it!! The ribbon you used is so cute. :)

  10. So cute! I'll have to check out the vinyl stuff! So cool!

  11. Kelli!!

    I love your garden flags. You should seriously sell them. I would buy one :)

    I posted about it on my TT&J facebook page and linked to you :) Have a great day my friend!!


  12. Thanks so much for the info on the fabric. I'm on a misson!!!

  13. Oh how I wish I was half as creative as you! Love the colors, way cool!

  14. As usual cute cute cute!!! If I only had 1/2 of your creative mind :)

  15. I've never thought to make my own garden flag! Genius!!! I'm your newest follower and I'm hoping you'll swing by for my first ever link party today! This would be a fantastic project to link up!

  16. Great project! I didn't know about iron-on vinyl!


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