Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Homemade Chocolate Pudding

A few weeks ago, as I was attempting to not spend a small fortune on groceries, I saw milk on sale at Target for an unbelievable low {aka less than $3 a gallon} price. So crazy, thrifty me decides to lug home 6 gallons of milk...because the price was just too good to pass up. Well, a week later when the milk was about to expire and I still had a whole gallon unopened I figured I better find a great "use up a lot of milk before it goes bad" recipe!
And what recipe uses up large amounts of milk better than chocolate pudding?!? No other...at least none that I could find! Hasty Chocolate Pudding from allrecipes.com is what I settled on after checking out a few recipes and scoping out my pantry to see what I had on hand.
In addition to the 2 cups{ when I made it, I doubled the recipe} of milk, you also need
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Add all of the dry ingredients into a microwave safe bowl..
..and wisk them together getting out any big lumps.
Then slowly add in the milk.
Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Stir and then microwave in 1 minute intervals until the pudding is thick.
Stir in the vanilla and then scoop into individual bowls...
...or refrigerate {covering top of the pudding with a layer of plastic wrap} the whole batch until cold. 

Chocolate pudding that is both yummy and practical...at least it's practical if you have a bunch of milk to use:)


  1. Awesome! We've never made it from scratch. Will have to try this. :) Thanks, Kelli!

  2. I love chocolate pudding but have never tried it from scratch. It looks easy enough, though! I need to get my calcium in - can't think of a better way (except maybe my Starbucks hot chocolate that I'm addicted to!) :)

  3. My son loves chocolate pudding. although I never have extra milk to use. Thanks for sharing it looks delish!

  4. Yum...sounds great! And easy too, and wholesome. I love cooking home made! Makes things taste so much better :)

  5. Wow! Homemade pudding... that's something I've never tried before. I LOVE chocolate pudding so I'm going to have to try this! I think I have just about everything too :)

    I would love for you to link this up to my What's Cooking Wednesday!


  6. Yummy! Just Yummy
    This is such a nice blog. I'm a new follower, following from a blog hop.

  7. I am SO glad I just saw this post! I have a half gallon of milk that needs to be used soonish and this is PERFECT. I already have all the ingredients :) Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  8. I still need to try this!

    Thanks so much for linking up! Be sure to stop by and link up more great recipes :)



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