Friday, November 5, 2010

You're a STAR!

Henry was chosen as STAR Student in his class this week!
To him it means being the line leader and wearing a special ribbon.
To me it means sending a fun star themed lunch to surprise him:)
I used my trusty cookie cutters and secretly got to work making his lunch shine!
*lunch meat and flour tortilla stars*
*brownie stars*
*and apple stars*
Do you ever make your kiddos special snacks to celebrate special occasions?!?


  1. That's so cute! And congratulations to Henry on being a star!!

    No, I don't. Buddy normally gets hot lunch or asks for a I don't get to be super creative.

    However, when he gets a little older and can read better, I will probably send him little notes.

  2. Cute! :) Congrats to Henry!

    I write notes/poems on their napkins each time they're packed. Always have, guess I always will. :) And I draw silly pics on them. My artistic talents are very limited though, so usually it's just a simple little something or other.

  3. Congrats to Henry!! And what a fab mom you are to make him a 'star' lunch!!

    I send lunchbox notes with my son (with big hearts all over - since he can't read) :)

  4. I love my cookie cutter collection. I love to send fun shaped sandwiches and treats in the kids school lunches.

    Hooray for Henry!

  5. you're such a sweet mommie!!
    Congrats to Henry!

  6. Awwwwww...that is so sweet! how fun for Henry to feel special at school and at even more at home! Now I'm feeling bad because I haven't done anything fun like that for my kids' lunches...I love that! I'm not sure Alex would even notice, haha! ;) So cute! I will have to come up with some kind of surprise :)

  7. Oh I'm sure he loved that. I want to start putting cute notes in Jamison's lunch. There's a nice website called another lunch that shows some good lunch ideas.

  8. Very Cute!! What a great idea. And yeah for Henry being the Star Student!!

  9. That is awesome! My kids love being the line leader too =o) But I never thought to put a star lunch together! You are so clever!

  10. oh that's so cute! My kids aren't in school yet but I'll have to remember this for when they're older!!

    Here from NFF, happy weekend!

  11. Congrats Henry!
    Isn't it crazy that the highlight for the kids is being the line leader. Trey gets to be the line leader when it is his snack day.
    I love all the star ideas.
    I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  12. are the bestest(I know it's not a word) mommy out there!! How cool of you to make his special week even that much more special. You are the STAR mom of the week. ;-)

  13. My kiddos love be the star student of the week. Such a fun time for them.

  14. So cute and sweet! I bet he thought it was great.

  15. He must have pretty good parents to be chosen the star of the class!

  16. OH, I bet Henry was so proud to be star student!!

  17. I love the tortilla & lunch meat idea, I am so going to do that one! Congrats to Henry :)

  18. you're such a fun mommy! can't wait to do these fun little lunches when my kids go off to school!!!

  19. Congrats to him! You must be so proud as was he! I love how you congratulated him.

  20. Congrats to Henry! I bet he loved his special snack!

  21. If that doesn't put you at Supermom status, I don't know what does! So cute!
    Thanks for visiting my blog :)


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