Friday, December 3, 2010

Beds, Baths, Burns, and Boring Blogs

Last week while the boys were out of school for Thanksgiving, we decided it was time to turn their two twin beds into bunk beds:) Henry and Grant are loving it...and surprise, surprise their favorite part is the ladder! Eli is loving it too, even though once he gets up he can't get down! And just in case you weren't sure from the picture, the boys' bed rarely get made:) I do have a question for any bunk bed veterans out there...what kind of blanket or quilt do you use on the top bunk?!? I really wish there was something that fit the top without hanging down or having to be tuck under the mattress.

This little piggy had to take a bath.
I'm pretty sure most of you moms can figure out with two guesses or less just why this little piggy had to have a bath:) Apparently the massive amount of raisins that Eli ate last night before dinner didn't sit well with him, so around midnight last night they violently make a reappearance. Needless to say little piggy got caught in the crossfire, and into the washing machine he went along with Eli's blanket, sheet, pajamas, and the dust ruffle off his baby bed.
This bandage:
is covering up a disgusting burn on my thumb caused by my hot glue gun. Yesterday while making new Christmas wreaths for my front door, I thought I was doing to die from attempting to make ruffles:) Now I think I might die from the huge open wound caused by HOT GLUE! Here's  a little tip for anyone who isn't sure just how much damage a hot glue gun can do:
Never attempt to wipe a big glob of hot glue off your flesh while it is still really might just take your skin off with it!
And now that I've bored you {with three thing that start with B}, I have to say that I'm afraid my blog is getting boring! I'm a little bored with it, and it is obvious from the {very few} number of comments on my last couple of posts that you all think it is pretty boring too. The thing is, I'm not quite sure what to do about it. Do I take a break and hope that the boring goes away on its own, or do I trudge on with my boring-ness and hope that at some point the boring turns back into interesting? Any suggestions?!? Or is there something that you find interesting that you would like for my to blog about....I'm open to {almost} any suggestion for getting rid of the boring:)  Well, have a great {hopefully not too boring} weekend!
And just to make things a little more intersting, I'm linking up with Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading:) Go check out all the fun links!
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. first off..I don't think your blog is boring (but I know what you mean - sometimes it's hard to come up with exciting posts :))
    And I also know what you mean about washing animals in the machine -haha.

  2. We're probably all too hard on ourselves re: our blogs.

    Hot glue guns opened up a wound? OMG!!

  3. Oooh, ouch. Thanks for the tip, although I'm so uncrafty that I don't even own a glue gun. I know, bad mama!

    As far as blogging, I think a lot of bloggers right now are going through a funk. It might be holiday busyness, it might be we all need a new inspiration, or maybe we were putting too much pressure on ourselves to have the "perfect" post. In any case, I think if you enjoy writing your posts, then just keep blogging. If it's more of a chore, maybe take a week off and see how you feel. I for one enjoy all your crafty posts, but I can only get here occasionally. But when I do, I'm always amazed at your creativity.

    Just my thoughts :-)

  4. Kelli, wanted to tell you that your blog is not one bit boring. I check in everyday. I love your creative ideas AND your photography. You take awesome pictures. So, chin up, buttercup! We love your blog and personally, I dont think you should change a thing!

  5. It's not boring!! But like CM said, I think a lot of bloggers are going through a funk. I know I am. Ever since I made the switch to WordPress, my comments have dropped tremendously and I feel like I've lost my mojo. It's almost work to come up with a post, which is not at all what I want blogging to be like. I'm hoping the break I get between Christmas and New Years does me well.

  6. I don't think your blog is boring! I love it. Its one I read when you post first thing:)
    I think people are busy right now. At least I am. So I haven't blogged in over a week. Course I still make time to read my favorites.

    I think it is the time of year. I don't feel like I have a ton to say and when it feels like work I just put my blog aside:) If you feel like that take a few days...

  7. I love the bunk fun. My kids would love them!! Sorry about your burn...ouch! Have a great weekend :)

  8. I don't find you boring at all. I love all of your crafty posts and your recipes. I love just seeing those cute boys and your amazing pictures. Sometimes "boring" is OK, sometimes it's comfortable. I'm sorry about the burn :(...I will keep that tip in mind.

  9. I love your blog - do NOT take a break! I can't believe hot glue gave you such a bad burn!! Clearly my cheap glue gun doesn't get very hot. Ouch - hope it heals quick! And the bunk beds bother me - I've never been able to get a blanket to fit right. For a while we tucked the comforter under the mattress and then my son slept on top with just a throw blanket. lol That was just while we were showing our house to sell though.

  10. I don't think your blog is boring at all! A lot of the blogs I read (including me) have been going through a blog identity crisis of sorts. I think we write and write and write and then we're blank. Hang in there, you'll feel better about it all soon. Oh, and my comments have dropped too. I think blogging is not the fascination it once was for so many.

  11. and remember....a lot of us follow a lot of blogs in a reader and don't always have time to click over to comment :)

    i think you are doing fine :)

  12. Your blog is NEVER boring sweetie. Your blog however is ALWAYS creative! I would go with this's a busy time of year for almost every one, so if comment numbers are down that is probably the reason. So blog for yourself these couple months and before you know it the LONG cold winter will draw us all back to blogging and leaving comments. Following along always, and commenting when ever I get the chance. Have a marvelous weekend friend.

  13. Seriously? Your blog is never boring. It's just the busiest time of the year and people (Okay me) don't have as much time as they'd like to sit down and read and comment. You are definitely not boring. Hope your thumb gets better. So sorry!

  14. OUCH!! Thanks for the tip!!

    And no...your blog is totally not boring! I think many people are just so busy right now! I haven't blogged consistently since August!!

  15. I've gotten a hot glue gun burn before and it took FOREVER to heal, and hurt so badly! Crafting is dangerous ;) As for blogging- you are far from boring! I agree with what others have said, this time if year is so busy, I know I have almost zero time on the computer anymore. I wouldn't change a thing!! And I certainly wouldn't take it personally, because it's not you :)

    Love the bunk beds!

  16. Ouch on the burn! Hope it heals quickly. Poor little piggie... been there, done that a time or two. And as for boring, I don't think you are boring. Maybe the lack of comments just have to do with how busy this time of year is??? I still comment... cuz I adore you :)

  17. Kelli your blog is far from boring. I wouldn't take it to heart. Everyone is so busy with the holidays, and many have slowed down. Don't change you are such an inspiration to so many. Your blog is wonderful. Seriously I check stats and mine are way down, it's the holidays it will pick back up. Hope Eli is feeling better and your burn sounds painful. I don't have any tips for bunkbeds, never had one.

  18. Hi, Kelli! I'm late commenting, but I wanted to tell you I feel the exact same way. I feel like I spend a lot of time trying to come up with ways to get people interested in what I write about, and my blog is growing soooooo slowly. It's frustrating to see girls who started blogging 3 months ago have twice the followers I do. :s I know part of that is because I don't really fit into a niche, but it's still hard to not compare yourself.

    Christmas in Blogland is hard on a lot of us. It is VERY difficult to not get sucked into thinking that each and every post needs to be some exciting whirlwind of a project. I'm starting to realize that maybe I need to release myself from some of the blogging pressure and focus more on enjoying some fun time with my girls.

    You have a great blog. I think a lot of readers are either busy with holiday stuff right now, or trying to navigate through the plethora of holiday posts out there right now.

    Sorry for the rambling. ;)

  19. Sounds to me you have had a bad day and you need a nice warm bubble bath. I think every mom has washed a stuffed animal or two for the same reason. One night not only did I have to give the baby a baby, the bedding, and the family cat, YIKES!

  20. I love the bunk beds! We have them in our house too and the top bunk is such a pain. I have the same quilt on the top that i have on the bottom so it does hang over a little but I try to fix it (when I actually make up the bed which is seldom) so it looks nice. Seriously though - I think that could be one of the most difficult things in the world is to make a top bunk!

    Ouch!!! Your thumb sounds like it really hurts! Lesson learned - don't ever do that again :)


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