Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gingerbread (well technically Graham Cracker) Village

Last night was our annual gingerbread house making  night. We have done this for the past few years, and I honestly think it is one of the boys' favorite Christmas activities. Maybe because they get to play with candy...or maybe because they get to sneak candy while they are decorating:)
Jason constructs the little houses out of graham crackers and confectioner sugar icing, and then we basically have a free for all with our candy bowl and a few candies bought just for our gingerbread houses.
My {semi-ocd} house with lots of red and green. I saw the cute double stack bushes on another website, and bought those little gumdrops just so I could have cute bushes outside my gingerbread house:) There is also a cobblestone walkway made out of a variety of brown jelly beans.
Jason's perfect house has a Bubbletape roof and cute Christmas lights along the roof line. He also added windows out of yellow gummies and Swedish fish bushes all the way around his house.
Henry got creative with the decorations in his "yard" and made some cute lollipop and lifesaver lamp posts. He also added a really cute chimney that didn't make it through the night:) You can see it on the plate on the left hand side...we can try to reattach it later.
Grant had a free for all with every kind of candy we had. He added lifesavers to his roof along with a tootsie roll. He made a Swedish fish door and a {not very sturdy} Swedish fish fireplace on the back of his house. He also made bushes similar to mine, with what he called 'snow' made out of gum on top of them:)
Eli's house was completely made by Eli...and by that I mean he even used some of his spit to get things to stick! He would find a piece of candy, suck on it for a few minutes, and then decide to stick it to the roof of his house. He also got caught a few times sneaking things off the roof of his house to eat:)

Thanks for visiting our Gingerbread Village...I hope our little houses have inspired you to make your own village this year:)


  1. how fun!!
    We made gingerbread/graham cracker houses last year. The kids loved it..

  2. How fun....we do ours on Christmas Eve. They all turned out great!

  3. So cute! I love that you make it a family affair!

  4. We make these at our house too but we invite the cousins over to help. I usually glue mine together with the hot glue gun...YIKES! The kids know not to eat the crackers though. You sugar icing looks like it is doing a great job holding them together...would you mind sharing with me the recipe? Love your blog by the way and try to stop by when you pop up in my reader ;)

  5. So fun!! I bet they had a great time. Those little houses are sweet!


  6. Those turned out great! I think Eli had the best technique by far. All the taste and none of the calories. :D

  7. I actually laughed out loud at your description of Eli's house. Too funny!! But awesome that you let him do it all on his own!! :)

  8. Those are adorable! We need to try this. I didn't buy a kit this year, but the girls really do enjoy decorating. And graham crackers are such a great idea!

  9. oh my. adorable. my girls and dustin. :) would LOVE to do that. heck...I would love to do it with them!!

  10. Love this. Stacey just did these with her kindergartners and they turned out so cute. Love the lifesavers on the sucker...cute idea.

  11. What a great tradition. I do love your house and how it's a pattern! The boys did a great job. Maybe I'll have to try this next year.

  12. I love that you all did this.....so fun! All your houses are GREAT!!

  13. Those are great! Our gingerbread house experience didn't go as well...the kids weren't interested in anything other than eating the candy!


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